Chapter 18

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"Don't you dare hold back today, got it?!" I sweat dropped at Fujiyama's yelling as we walked to school together. I was finally off of house arrest, but I was still surprised that Aizawa-sensei allowed me to walk with Fujiyama to school today. The reason may have to do with the fact that Fujiyama happens to be one of the strongest third years though, so he already has his provisional hero license. Also, Aizawa-sensei had to be to school really early due to the Sports Festival occurring today. I think I heard him say something along the lines of 'that damn Present Mic' or something similar as he was walking out the door this morning.

"Yes, yes, I understand," By this point, I was ready to be at the school. At least then I'd be able to get away from Fujiyama seeing as we'd be in separate arenas. He's been rambling to me the entire time we've been walking about how I better not hold back.

"Mou, you're too nonchalant!" He pouted at my reply. "And that sounded completely sarcastic! We both know how strong you are, so I don't know why you insist on always holding back! You're even wearing those super heavy gloves of yours! That'll just impede on your speed!"

I probably shouldn't tell him about my weighted shoes...

"You know that I don't like attention, Fujiyama-san," I sighed at him. "Besides, I like my place in the General Studies Course, so there's not much of a point to this for me. But," I looked up at him as his pout grew before he gained hopeful eyes at my glance. "I'll at least put in enough effort to get into the last round. How's that?"

"Alright!" Fujiyama started cheering as he began to spin around. He probably would have tried spinning me around if he didn't know I had weights on. "I'm sure I'll be so proud of you."

"Yes, yes," I sweat dropped again as we finally reached the school. "I'm leaving now..."

"Eh?" He looked towards me, racing his arm out in my direction as I began to run away from him in the direction I was supposed to go to for the Sports Festival. "But Masami-chan! W-wait! Come back!"

No way in hell.


"It's too bad we don't get to go to the actual festival part of this." Michiko pouted as we sat in the Class 1-D waiting room.

"Y-yeah, and t-there were so many f-food stalls..." I started to drool slightly at the thought of all the different kinds of food.

"Haha! You sure like your food, don't you, Masami?!" Michiko laughed as she looked at the dreamy look in my eyes as I imagined all the food stands at the festival. "Though, you'd never guess it just by looking at you!"

I only gave a sheepish close eyed smile as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I-I'm just glad t-that we're at least allowed a l-lunch break, and I-I'm sure we'll at least have s-some fun in the Sports Festival."

"Yeah, but it's not like any of us General Studies Course students will make it to the final round..." Michiko sighed. "It rarely ever happens..."

"Y-you never know," I shrugged nonchalantly as I remembered what I promised Fujiyama.

"Either way, we'll still be rivals in this competition!" Michiko declared. "We'll always be friends, but we can't help each other during this unless required, understood?!"

"I-I understand," I gave a soft smile at her enthusiasm.

Everyone is aiming for number one it seems.


"Hey!" I overheard Yamada-sensei, or Present Mic yell from where we stood waiting as the Sports Festival was about to begin. "Pay attention, audience! Swarm, mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you'll all love, the U.A. Sports Festival, is about to begin! Everybody are you ready?! It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage! The U.A. Sports Festival! The huge battle where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, right? The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero Course, Class 1-A, right?!" You could hear the loud cheers from here. "They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Hero Course, Class 1-B! Next up, General Studies Classes C, D, and E!" And with that, we walked out, some with heads held high and others hesitant. "Support Course, Classes F, G, and H are here, too! And Business Course, Classes I, J, and K! All of U.A.'s first years are here now!"

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