Chapter 32

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"This... Is an alleyway..."

“Mhm,” I gave a nod as I walked over to the brick wall in the alleyway. “T-this is one of the reasons why i-it’s so hard to find Akagi-san. I-it’s safe to say that she doesn’t get m-many visitors.”

    “I wonder why…” And Aizawa-sensei’s sarcasm strikes again.


    “U-um, I’m sorry, b-but do you think you could close your eyes and ears for a c-couple seconds?” Thankfully, he did as I asked without question. Well, he did raise a brow at me, but that’s typical.

    It’s not that I had any problem showing him the entrance, but the entrance to Akagi’s was somewhat special. It was a warp gate of sorts yet not at the same time.

    When I saw that both his eyes and ears were covered, I finally turned to the brick wall once more. I pushed in a few bricks that had to be pushed in a particular order or else you’d be warped to the Bahamas… Actually, that doesn’t sound so bad now that I think about it. Anyways, I felt the familiar nausea inducing feeling as the world around us seemed to fade out of existence. It was like being sucked up into a black hole before finally being spat out.

    My eyesight returned when we were finally transported into a dimly lit living room. I had to hold in a sigh as I noticed the astronomical amount of clutter that littered the room. It would appear that that Akagi has refrained from cleaning her living quarters for quite a while…

    I tapped Aizawa-sensei on the shoulder to alert him that he could open his eyes and ears. “S-sorry about that, but m-most first time warpers h-have a tendency to vomit when they don’t have their eyes and e-ears closed or covered.”

    “Don’t worry about it,” He looked around the room curiously with partially widened eyes. He was probably surprised about reappearing in a new place despite having not moved. “I take it that the sudden change in our surroundings has to do with Akagi’s quirk?”

    “Mhm,” I nodded in confirmation. “Akagi-san h-has a warping quirk called ‘Gate.’ It’s a bit h-hard to explain how it works though.”

    “It doesn’t look like anybody’s here though,” Aizawa-sensei noted as he continued looking around the room. “You would think that she would have heard us by now if she was here.”

    Oh, if only you knew…

    Akagi is lazier than a sloth trying to take a nap…

    “S-she’s probably just sleeping,” I sighed before beginning to walk towards the exits of the room. “I-I’ll go wake her up. J-just don’t touch anything. There m-may or may not be random explosive i-items lying around. Y-you never really know with Akagi-san…”


******3rd POV********

    Aizawa sweat dropped as he heard yelling come from the room that Masami had entered in the connecting hallway. He wasn’t really sure what to make of the information he was gathering today. If he was being perfectly honest, he decided that it was no longer worth the effort to bother being surprised when Masami was involved. The girl was a living contradiction! One second she’d be a clumsy, stuttering mess, and the next, she’d be confident and calm as though she’d done whatever a million times before. Well, maybe not calm. There was that time he heard her yelling at Bakugo whilst he was on the phone with her.

    And then there was the current situation.

    Masami walked into the room, quite literally, dragging the young female known as Akagi Aiko behind her. What’s more, is that Akagi was sopping wet.

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