Chapter 9

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Well... This is awkward...

After the whole meeting gone wrong with the teachers, the principal made me go and pack up my stuff. And of course, Aizawa-sensei had to come with me...

"So you weren't lying..." Aizawa-sensei drawled as we entered the abandoned factory I lived in.

Most of the space was empty, but I still had an area with a small kitchenette. And next to the kitchenette, I had placed my bed and a dresser. Over the years, I had managed to paint the walls a light aqua blue, and most of the furniture was gray.

"Just pack what you need," Aizawa-sensei seemed very disinterested and just went to go sit at a table next to the kitchenette that could only seat two.

"Y-yes, sir," I ducked my head down as I walked towards my dresser and started throwing some clothes into a large duffel bag the principal had given me. I didn't have much in the way of clothes, so they barely filled half the bag. The only other things I threw in the bag was a scrapbook, some hygiene products, some art supplies, a few small instruments, and some books that Kiyoko had given me.

After I had somewhat filled the duffel bag, I grabbed the bag as well as my violin case and school bag before heading over to where Aizawa-sensei was beginning to doze off.

"You done?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Y-yes, sir," I stuttered as he got up and began to walk out the door.

"Then keep up."

We were probably a weird sight in town. First, there was me, a girl carrying what seemed like random objects, and second, there was Aizawa-sensei, who was a scruffy been that looked like he would rather be anywhere but there.

Finally, after about an hour of walking, we reached a cluster of apartment buildings and went up multiple flights of stairs. Honestly, it was amusing how Aizawa-sensei was surprised at my lack of exhaustion. The only exhaustion I had was social exhaustion. I was very socially awkward.

"Watch out for the cat," Aizawa-sensei sensei warned me as we walked through his door, and my eyes lit up almost immediately. "He doesn't like strangers..."

My eyes lit up even more as I actually saw the cat he spoke of. It was a pure black cat with vibrant green eyes, and it just laid lazily on the couch as we walked into the very messy apartment. However, I didn't even notice any of the mess as I dropped my stuff and immediately went over to the cat trying to hold in a squeal.

"Oi!" Aizawa-sensei tried to stop me. "Didn't you hear what I just... said...?"

He trailed off as he sweat dropped at the sight of me cuddling the cat with a smile on my face. The cat only purred as I continued to give it attention.

"He doesn't seem too scary to me!" I grinned at Aizawa-sensei before turning back to the cat. "You're not scary at all, are you? No, you're not!"

And so, I went on doting on the cat.

"Great..." Aizawa-sensei muttered. "The first words she speaks without stuttering, and it's because of a cat..."

"What's his name?!" My face was still lit up, and I didn't even realize that I had lost my stutter.

"...Kage," He told me before heading towards a hallway on the right. "You can stay in the room on the immediate right. My room is on the far left... Stay out of it. The bathroom is the first door to the left, and that's all you need to know..."

He turned back to me and grew irritated as he noticed my attention was still on the cat, who, by the way, seemed to love me. At least the cat likes me!

"Oi..." I froze at Aizawa-sensei's tone and slowly turned around to see him glaring. "Did you hear a single word I said?"

I blushed as I realized I let the cat distract me.

"S-sorry, sir," He sighed and repeated his words with slight irritation.

After he finished, I left the cat, (well, not really, the cat just followed me) and went to grab my bags before heading towards the room Aizawa-sensei told me I could stay in. I sweat dropped at its dusty and messy state. From the state of the apartment in general, I could tell that Aizawa-sensei wasn't the type to clean.

I still placed my stuff on the full size bed that laid in the room and considered myself grateful for having a room at all. I headed out of the room and back towards the living room where I had previously been letting the cat and found Aizawa-sensei sitting on the couch watching TV. He glanced towards me before his eyes flickered towards my legs where Kage was rubbing up against them. He stared at the cat for a few seconds before finally speaking up.


I blinked a few times before I let a small giggle escape me causing him to look back up at me with a blank expression. I blushed and stopped giggling at the sudden attention.... I don't handle attention well...

"U-um," I tried to start as twiddled my fingers together before giving a deep bow. "T-thank you f-for allowing me to s-stay with you!"

"..." He was silent for a second. "If you want to thank anyone, thank the principal."

And with that, he turned back to the TV.

And I joined him.


935 words excluding A/N's

I feel like nobody is actually reading this... T^T Ah well, anyways, the voting for the ship is still up. I only have one vote so far, so yeah... I don't know how much I'll be able to post within the next week. I've been pretty busy, but I like to think that I've already written quite a bit for this story within the past week. I really just need to go ahead and start working on my Death Note fan fiction. It's been a while since I posted on that...

Update: Voting has officially ended

Todoroki: 1

Katsuki: 0

OC: 0

Finished- 12:22 am on May 26, 2018

Bye ~

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