Chapter 11

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I frowned at the uncomfortable feeling that I had felt all day. I wasn't quite sure what the cause for it was. Maybe it was because I left the apartment for school before Aizawa-sensei woke up, or maybe the food I ate this morning was bad. But, anyways, it had been throwing me off my game all day. I couldn't even pay attention in class, and that was saying something.

I nearly slumped over as a nauseating feeling washed over me. This feeling... I could sense the animosity...

I stood up abruptly, gaining the attention of the entire classroom as even Yamada-sensei stopped teaching to look at me. I tried to keep a calm face as I walked towards him.

"M-may I go t-to see the p-principal?" I requested as my face turned paler by the second.

"E-eh?" Sensei seemed confused. "I guess, but you look like you should go see Recovery Girl first. You're pale as paper."

"I'll be fine," I assured him in a quiet voice as I walked out the door with all eyes still on me. "Thank you."

The moment I was out the door, I began full out running towards the principal's office. It was lucky that nobody else was in the hallway, or that may have been awkward. I almost groaned when I reached Nezu's office only for it to be empty.

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.

Where else could he be?

The only other place I could think of him being at is the teachers lounge.

I once again began to run towards my destination, slowly but surely wearing myself out as I got more and more worked up. However, I couldn't afford to stop.

I didn't even bother knocking on the door as I reached the teachers lounge since I had thankfully sensed the presence of Principal Nezu inside. Turns out that I probably should have knocked.

"Principal Nezu-...!" I started to trail off upon seeing what I walked in on. "U-um..."

"Masami!" Both All Might, who had just deflated into Yagi-san, and Principal Nezu seemed surprised at my sudden appearance.

"I'm- I-I'm not e-even going to q-question it..." I sweat dropped at the sudden awkward situation I was thrust into before I doubled over as another wave of nausea swept over me.

"O-oi! Are you alright?!" Yagi-san exclaimed as both he and Nezu came up to me.

"I... I'm fine..." I told them as I panted at the exhaustion I felt. "But... O-others may not b-be."

"What do you mean?" Nezu asked me in a serious manner as he put a hand, or paw, on my shoulder.

"I... I could sense the animosity..." I finally got to my point. "Somewhere... In the direction of the USJ... T-there are villains..."

3rd P.O.V.

*****Earlier On*****

"I didn't think the attack would be so soon..." The vigilante frowned as she made her way to the USJ without being noticed. "I hope I'm not too late..."

She let out a small 'tch' as she realized the door to the USJ was locked before grinning.

"I guess this means I can make a more dramatic entrance."

***Inside the USJ***

"Shoji-kun, is everyone here?" Iida asked quickly. "Can you check?"

"Everyone's scattered, but they're all in this building." Everyone gave a sigh of relief before turning to look at Kurogiri with a determined look.

"Damn it," Sero cursed. "Physical attacks can't hit him, and he can warp things... His quirk's the worst!"

"...Class rep!" Thirteen called out to Iida. "I entrust this to you. Run to the school and tell them about what is happening here."

Iida looked taken aback at the sudden request.

"The alarms are not sounding, and our phones don't have signal." Thirteen began explaining. "The alarm system is based on infrared rays. Even though Eraser Head is erasing people's quirks left and right, they are still not working, which means they must have someone with an interfering quirk who hid right when they arrived. It would be faster for you to run than for us to find that person!"

"But it would be a disgrace as class rep to-" Iida was cut off as the doors to the USJ suddenly exploded open gaining almost everyone's attention.

"Ah, how unfortunate..." A female voice sounded out from the clouds of smoke that had appeared with the explosion. "It appears I'm late."

"You..." Kurogiri narrowed his eyes as the masked and hooded woman walked out of the smoke.

"Ah, Kurogiri!" She clapped her hands together in what seemed like amusement as she faced the villain. "It's been quite a while, hasn't it?! I don't suppose you have the 50,000 yen that your boss owes me?"

"Tch, still as carefree as ever I see." Kurogiri noted, ignoring her question. She was going to take that as a no.

"Ehhh, whatever do you mean?" You could almost hear the tooth filled grin in her voice. "I'm completely serious."

"What do you want with us?"

"Seriously?" Shirokage did not sound impressed. She sighed before disappearing and reappearing near the beginning of the steps that led to where Eraser Head was fighting a majority of the villains. "And here I thought it was obvious! I plan on beating all of you villains to the ground!"

"Ever the heroic one, aren't you?" Kurogiri tried to stall.

Meanwhile, Thirteen had stayed in a fighting stance, unsure of what the vigilante's intentions were.

"I wouldn't call myself heroic..." Shirokage spoke calmly. "I'm merely a shadow, someone who follows the light and tries to help it shine even the tiniest bit brighter. After all, the stronger the light, the stronger the shadow... Oh, and Thirteen," The said hero looked at her in surprise and suspicion. "No need to be so tense... I won't allow anyone to die."

"I don't trust you." Thirteen told her simply. "However, I'd be grateful for the help."

"Heh!" Shirokage smirked. "You can count on me then. However, I'm going to lend a helping hand to Eraser Head down there first. Kurogiri may be a warp gate, but he's not suited for combat. Just aim for the metal armor piece thingy he has, and you guys will be fine."

"I see," Thirteen digested the information as the students watched the interaction in a scared yet awed way. "I won't ask where you got this information, and I'm grateful for it, but I hope you realize that you will also be taken into custody after this."

The white haired girl only gave a light giggle in response to the hero as she turned towards the stairs once more.

"We'll see," And with that, she vanished as she finally made her way towards the clearing where Eraser Head was fighting.

"This should be fun!"


1134 words excluding A/N's

Ah! I'm back! And we're finally at the USJ attack! I'm sorry it took so long. I've been super busy and super stressed out lately, so I've been watching anime in my free time to calm myself down, and yeah... It's hard to explain... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. And, the voting for the shipping of Masami is still open. If nobody else ends up voting by a certain chapter, I'll probably just decide myself.

Update: Voting has officially ended

Todoroki: 1

Bakugo: 0

OC: 0

Finished- 3:44 PM on July 24, 2018

Bye ~

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