Chapter 25

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The next two matches went by fairly quickly with Tokoyami and Bakugo coming out as winners.

"The first match of the semifinals!" I grinned as I looked at Shouto who stood across from me. He managed to give a small smile in return. "The two are complete opposites! From the Hero Course, it's Todoroki Shouto! Versus-- From General Studies, Hideyoshi Masami! Are you ready? Start!"

Almost immediately Shouto started sending ice towards me. Luckily, I was able to easily dodge it as it wasn't too large.

"Sorry Masami, but I plan on winning this," He apologized as he sent more ice to block my path causing me to quickly back up.

"Ah, Hideyoshi's been surrounded!" Present Mic yelled as I looked for a way out. I couldn't find one... That's when Shouto decided to send ice straight at me. "Todoroki's going in for the win right away!"

I was glad that I had decided to put my weights back on as I went for the offensive and hit the ice instead of dodging. The weights always helped make a bigger impact. I didn't create as large of an impact as Izuku of course, but I still managed to destroy the ice.

"I-Is it just me, or did Hideyoshi just destroy Todoroki's ice without even using a Quirk...?" I think I'll have broken Yamada-sensei's mind by the end of this...

But either way, breaking the ice was more of a bluff than anything. I won't be able to do it many more times without causing damage to my hand. Seriously though, my hand is already starting to hurt. I just need to get in close.

Which is exactly what I did.

I used Shouto's surprise to land a quick hit to his chest. It sent him back a couple feet, but he used his ice to keep him from going any farther.

"A direct hit, but Todoroki stays in bounds!"

"You've gotten stronger..." Shouto admitted as he rubbed his chest where I had hit him. A bruise was probably already forming.

"Well of course!" I pouted whilst putting my hands on my hips in indignation. "The last time we sparred was when we were six! I hope you didn't think my level of strength has stayed the same!"

"It's not that," He scratched his cheek as he looked away with his normal nonchalant look. "I just didn't expect you to pack that much of punch..."

"Well, weights do wonders!" I called out to him as I ran back towards him.

"That just gives me even more of a reason to not go easy on you."

"I'd expect nothing less!" I grinned as we exchanged blows. Todoroki tried to use his ice up close, but it was a lot easier to break this way.

We continued that way for the next three minutes and probably would have continued it for longer if I didn't get a sudden feeling of dread. I paused my attacks for a moment as I looked at the audience stands to see a face that I never wanted to see again. Unfortunately, Shouto took my moment of hesitation to his advantage as he used his ice to send me flying out of the arena.

I winced slightly as I hit the wall. I saw Shouto's eyes widen slightly, so I could only assume that he didn't actually expect that to work.

"Hideyoshi Masami is out of bounds," Midnight declared with a slight frown. She probably noticed my quickly paling face. "Todoroki wins!"

"Todoroki advances to the final without showing his flames! Too bad... I was rooting for Hideyoshi..."

"You've been really biased today..."

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