Chapter 2

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I stood in front of the dauntingly large building as I tried to remain calm.

It was finally the day of the entrance exams to get into U.A. Both the hero and general studies department required you to take the same written exams, so I was on the lookout for Katsuki. I did not want to run into him, that's for sure.

I took a deep breath and finally began to walk forward. At least until I caught a glimpse of Katsuki and tried to blend into a crowd of students from another school.

I waited for him to enter the school before continuing, and at the same time, I noticed Izuku freaking out as he floated next to a girl. If my guess is correct, Izuku probably tripped, and the girl saved him from falling on his face with her quirk.

Should I go say hi...?

I mean, I could go and wish him luck, but at the same time, I need to hurry and get to the examination room. Hmmmm, I guess I'll just make this quick and simple.

"Good luck, Izu-kun!" I shouted with a wave and smile towards him before running inside without seeing the shocked look on the boy's face.

As I was running, I rounded a corner and immediately crashed into another person that sent me tumbling to the ground.

"Oww," I winced as I rubbed the back of my head and looked up to see who I bumped into.

My eyes widened almost immediately.

No way...



It was the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head! I didn't realize he would be a teacher here!

"I-I'm sorry, sir!" I said with multiple bows after I stood up. "I-I wasn't looking where I was going! I promise it w-won't happen again!"

"Don't worry about it," The man said plainly with a bored look in his eyes. "You better hurry, or you'll be late..."

"Oh, r-right!" I stopped bowing. "I'm sorry again, s-sir!"

And with that, I ran off once again, heading towards the room that I was to take my test in. Luckily, I would be in a completely separate room from those planning to go into the hero course. However, a lot of people would rather try and transfer into the hero course, so the room I entered was almost filled to the brim.

Luckily, I managed to find a seat next to a blue haired girl at the back of the room in a corner. The two of us were probably the only ones who had no interest in talking to the others in the room. Despite not knowing each other, people were going around telling people what school they went to and what their quirks were. It was kind of annoying actually. They buzzed like flies.

I don't like flies...

"Everybody needs to be quiet," A male at the front of the room, the one I just ran into minutes earlier, spoke in the most monotone voice as he stood in almost entirely black clothing looking very scruffy with his long hair and unkempt appearance. Almost immediately, everybody silenced and stared at the hero. "Don't waste time making friends. It's not gonna help you pass this test."

Welp, he's a downer...

"You know the general rules for testing, so don't make me have to say them," He went around the room passing out the papers to everybody, and be barely bat an eye as he gave me my own. "You can start when you get your paper. You know the drill."

I looked down at my paper and almost let out a sigh of relief as I realized that I actually knew how to answer most of the questions on the page. I was done with the entire packet within about an hour, and I was the first person to head up to the front to turn it in. Eraser Head raised an eyebrow as I turned my paper in to him, and I could sense the shocked stares of those behind me.

"You're done already?" He asked me.

"U-um, yes sir," I spoke quietly, looking at my feet. I heard him sigh before he spoke again.

"Then you can go ahead and leave," He told me. "You'll get your results a few weeks."

"T-thank you, sir!" I gave a slight bow before I hurried out the door with my head down and ignoring all the stares I was receiving.

I sighed in relief the moment I was finally outside.

...That was one of the awkwardest moments of my life...


765 words excluding A/N's

A bit short, but oh well...

Finished: 7:47 PM on May 19, 2018

Bye ~

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