Chapter 17

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I was now officially grounded. After the whole being dragged to the Bakugo's house event, Aizawa-sensei grounded me and banned me from leaving the apartment except for school. Of course, I listened to him for the most part, but I have a job. And honestly, I'm more scared of Kiyoko's wrath than his.

That's why I was currently trying to sneak out of the apartment when Aizawa-sensei had finally left the room. I was already going to be late, but in this circumstance, it's better late than never.

"Where do you think you're going?" I froze, steps away from the door before I was suddenly pulled back by a bandage like scarf towards an annoyed sensei.

"I-I have t-to go t-to work," I tried to explain as I sweated in fear. "I-If I'm a-any later, m-my boss will k-kill me."

"So you'd rather be killed by me?" He drawled out.

"U-Um, I-I'd like to l-live," I sweat dropped as he sighed.

"How long is your shift?" Huh?

"A-About four hours," Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me.

"Then get moving," He's not killing me? And wait, is he giving me permission to go? "You can go, but I have to come with, understand?"

"Y-Yes, sir!" I stuttered out in surprise before we both began to head out the door.

"What a drag..."


"Hideyoshi Masami!" Kiyoko yelled as she stomped towards my figure upon entering the café. "You're nearly an hour late!"

"Sorry, Kiyoko-san," I rubbed my neck sheepishly as I gave her a small grin. Luckily, the café was empty so there was no one besides Aizawa-sensei to watch me get yelled at. "It's a long story."

"Is that so?" She gave me a suspicious glare as I sweat dropped before she moved her gaze over to Aizawa-sensei who was standing behind me. "And who are you?"

I doubt he'll actually tell her.

"I'm her temporary guardian, Aizawa Shota," He actually told her! "Due to certain reasons, it'd be best if you kept this information to yourself."

"Certain reasons...?" Kiyoko muttered before turning to me with a glare. "Oi, don't tell me you've gotten yourself in trouble again..."

I gave a nervous laugh as I began to turn away with multiple beads of sweat running down my face. "Haha, I'm just going to, um, go change. Yeah! I'm going to go change. Gotta change into my uniform before I start working, am I right? Hahaha..."

I trailed off before zooming towards the changing room in the back and nearly sighed in relief as I leaned against the lockers. I thought she was going to kill me. It took all my will power to even keep from stuttering. The only reason I put in so much effort into not stuttering in the first place is because Kiyoko would always slap the back of my head when I did. And she slapped hard. I'm pretty sure I still have bruises from the last time I stuttered in front of her. It's safe to say that she quite literally slapped the stuttering out of me.

I got out of my leaning position before finally proceeding to put on my uniform, and I walked out of the room only to be met with something that I had begun to start expecting.

"RAWR!" I blinked before raising an eyebrow at the grotesque, demon-like creature in front of me.

"Hey, Fujiyama-san," I stated simply as the demon started to pout before transforming back to the young boy with dark brown hair and light blue eyes that I knew as my co-worker.


Fujiyama Arata: He is a third year at UA and an employee at the same café as Masami. His quirk is called Metamorph which allows him to morph into any creature as long as he has seen it. For example, he can't transform into anybody he hasn't seen. Also, his transformation has a limit as to how long it lasts depending on what he transforms into. He also has a tendency to tease Masami and try to scare her. He thinks of himself like an older brother to her.

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