Chapter 57

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It was already nighttime and almost the entirety of Class A had gathered in the common area. The only ones not there yet were the girls, and Bakugo, who had gone to sleep. They seemed a bit exhausted after having been working on their rooms all day.

"Ahh, I'm so tired." Kirishima plopped down on one of the couches with the other guys.

"Kirishima, are you finally done with your room?" Sero, who had been done with his room for a little while, asked his classmate.

"Yeah, finally!"

"Good work," Midoriya smiled at his classmates. He had also finished his room a little while ago.

"How things ended up this way weren't great, but it's kind of exciting to live together, huh?" Kaminari grinned.


"Living together..." Iida started as he made large movements with his arms. "This is also training to help us learn cooperation and discipline!"

"You're really going all out, huh, Iida?" Kirishima looked at the class president. Everyone seemed rather excited about it, though.

"Boys, are you all done with your rooms?" Ashido grinned as the girls finally came in.

"Yup." Kaminari raised a hand in greeting towards six of the girls. Apparently, Asui didn't come down with them. "Just relaxing now."

"Well, the girls were all talking just now..." Ashido started with Hagakure intervening.

"And we have an idea."

"Want to have a room presentation contest?!"

The boys all had different responses to the idea. Some seemed to freeze up in fear or hesitation while others seemed to be quite excited. Others, however, didn't seem to really be all too fazed. *Cough* Todoroki *Cough*

"I-I think it'll b-be fun!" Masami smiled as she went to go stand by Todoroki, who looked like he was debating with himself whether or not he wanted to participate.

It's safe to say that his internal debate ended quickly after Masami spoke up.

"See!" Ashido hugged the quiet girl from behind. "Even the shy, quiet Masami agrees!"

"Unfortunately..." The students froze as their teacher walked into the room. His face was as blank as ever, so they weren't sure what he was there for. "Masami can't join you tonight. She has to go see Recovery Girl."

"E-eh? B-but sensei--" Masami was cut off as Aizawa just grabbed the back of her hood and began dragging her towards the door, ignoring all of her complaints as she reached out pathetically towards her friends. It was too bad that the teachers had banned her from wearing her weights so long as she was injured. "I-I wanted to join th-the contest too...!"

The entirety of Class A sweat dropped at the sight of the pouting Masami who had decided to be stubborn and just let Aizawa drag her instead of walking herself. They had never seen her act so childish...

"You'll be back in less than an hour," Aizawa sighed at the girl. He was glad that she trusted him now, but he didn't realize that the price of trust would be her being childish. Though, he supposed he should be glad that she still had any childishness left at all. "Quit acting that way, and just walk, would you?"

"Fine..." Masami pouted as she stood up, and Aizawa finally let go of her hood.

"I never took you as one for dramatics..."


"You should be able to take off your casts and bandages within the next week, surprisingly enough." Masami sighed in relief at the news Recovery Girl gave her. The hero had just healed her as much as she could without killing the young girl, and now, Masami was feeling exhausted. "You heal rather quickly even without my quirk."

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