Chapter 35

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"U.A. has finished its first semester and started summer vacation." Aizawa-sensei announced to all of his students as we stood in front of the school waiting for the buses. Unfortunately, due to lack of babysitters once again, Aizawa-sensei's words not mine, I had to go with them on their trip to the training camp under the same guise as before. "However... Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights-- for 'Plus Ultra'!"

"Yes, sir!" They all responded immediately.

"And for those of you who have yet to notice, we have another presence in our midst," Everybody glanced at me as I shuffled nervously from all the attention. "I'm sure you all already know who she is, but Hideyoshi will be coming with us for this training camp in order for her to decide whether or not she'll join the Hero Course. So, for now, treat her like any other classmate."

"Yes, sir!"


"So, you're going to be with us for the training camp?!" Some of the girls in Class 1-A surrounded me as they sent questions left and right.

"M-mhm," I hesitantly nodded. "The s-school wanted to show me what H-Hero Course activities both in and o-out of school before I make my final decision."

"Is there a reason why you declined in the first place," One of the girls, known as Jiro I believe, questioned me curiously.

"Mhm," I gave them a small smile. "B-but it's a reason that I-I'd really rather not share."

Luckily, I was spared from any explanations when a Class B student came up to us all.

"What?" Oh, it's that dramatic guy with a hatred towards Class A students. "There are people in Class A taking extra classes? Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? What? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B? How can that be?"

Despite being thankful for the distraction, I was glad when one of the girl's from his class hit him in the head, effectively causing him to hit the ground unconscious. "Sorry!" She called out in apology before dragging the boy off whilst we all sweat dropped. What strange students there are in the Hero Course.

"Oh, it's Class B!" Izuku exclaimed as everybody noticed the other class lined up in front of their bus.

"We kind of met during the sports festival, but nice to meet you, Class A." One of the kids of Class B greeted with a grin.

"Mhm." Another girl nodded.

"We're getting on the bus!" The girl, who had knocked out the dramatic boy, called out to her classmates.

"Class A's bus is this way!" I finally heard Iida call out. From what I recall, I remember them mentioning that Izuku passed on his job as Class president to Iida. I could understand the decision. "Line up in seat order!"

Seat order? Did I miss something? Am I going to have to sit with a stranger? Don't spring stuff so suddenly on my delicate soul!

"Oi, Hideyoshi," Aizawa-sensei? "You'll be sitting next to me."


I hope I don't die...


"Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour." Aizawa-sensei tried to warn the class, but they were too roudy to even hear him. "After that--" He seemed to deflate a little at noticing the ruckus. Honestly, I'm surprised that he didn't expect this. "Oh, well. This is the only time they'll be able to play around."

"You're g-going to work them until t-they pass out, aren't y-you?" I sweat dropped at the man next me. Apparently, he didn't realize that I had been listening to him as he sent me a glance.

"It's for their own good."


"Finally taking a break, huh?"

"I gotta pee!"

"Anyway, does this even count as a rest area?"

I don't think we're here to rest...

"Huh? Where's Class B?"

"There's no point stopping without a reason." Aizawa-sensei told his hyperactive students.

"Yo, Eraser!" A voice called out as the doors to a black car opened wide.

"Long time no see." I was honestly surprised when Aizawa-sensei gave a small bow towards the figures stepping out of the car. I never thought I'd see the day he actually bowed to someone.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" Oh my gosh, they're dressed up like cats! I like them already...

"Strikingly cute and catlike!" They were posing now.

This is certainly different...

"Wild, Wild..." The two cat-like girls posed next to a small child. "...Pussycats!"

Most of the students just stared at the two with a deadpan reaction, not really sure how to react. Meanwhile, I was over here fangirling over their outfits... I mean seriously though, they're kitty heroes! What could be better?

"These are pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats." Aizawa-sensei explained to his confused students.

"They're a four-person hero team who set up a joint agency!" Oh dear, Izuku's fan boying again. Though, I suppose I was with him this time. "They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues! This year will be their twelfth working--"

"And they're dressed like cats!" I cheered enthusiastically whilst one of the Pussycats grabbed Izuku's face. There were only a few that even spared me a glance. I think they were still in shock.

"I'm 18 at heart!" The woman declared. "At heart..." She showed her sharpened claws causing Izuku to sweat nervously.

"Y-you're 18!" Came the muffled reply of Izuku.

She's desperate, isn't she...?

"Greet them, everyone." Aizawa-sensei ordered.

"Nice to meet you!" Ah. This class is so compliant...

"We own this whole stretch of land here." The Pussycat with the brown hair, who I believe is called Mandalay, told the students in return. "You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain."

"So far!" Most of the class exclaimed.

"Huh?" So Uraraka has finally noticed. "Then why did we stop here?"

"Could this mean..."

"No way..."

I suppose I should demonstrate for them since they clearly aren't getting it. I let out a small smirk as I began running towards the edge with the intention of jumping off while the others tried to get back to the bus.

I heard the Pussycat known as Pixie-Bob let out a laugh as I jumped, falling into the forest below. "At least one of you seems to understand!"

"Even though she wasn't required to..." Aizawa-sensei sighed. Ah well, it's more fun this way!

I let out a few enthusiastic 'Whoo hoo!'s as I used the trees to my advantage whilst landing. Meanwhile, the other students were pushed off the cliff by Pixie-Bob's quirk. And, while they freaked out about the earth beasts, my eyes were literally shining with stars when I noticed that one of the earth beasts was a dragon.

This is gonna be one of the most fun summer camps ever.


1190 words excluding A/N's

I actually have some down time at school!

Finished- 12:29 pm on December 14, 2018


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