Chapter 34

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"Bleh," I stuck my tongue out even though Shouto couldn't see me. "You have no idea how much you guys worried me! After receiving that message from Izu-kun, I knew you guys were somehow getting yourselves into trouble! Seriously..."

"Sorry about that," He replied from over the phone. "But we're all fine. We're supposed to be getting out of the hospital today actually."

"Yeah, Masami-chan, there's no need to worry," Izuku replied. Apparently, I was on speaker phone...

"If you say so..." I sighed, ignoring the look I was receiving from Aizawa-sensei who happened to be in the room with me. Maybe I should have done this in my room... "I swear, you guys are just magnets for trouble..."

"Ah, well, Todoroki-kun does claim to be cursed," I could hear the smile in Izuku's voice.

"Cursed?" I questioned with furrowed brows.

"Oi, Midoriya!" Shouto tried to stop him.

"He calls himself the Hand Crusher!" Izuku got in causing me to place a hand over my mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Don't tell her that!" I heard Shouto hiss at him.

That's it. I can't hold it in.

I burst out laughing as Aizawa-sensei just sweat dropped. Unfortunately, he monitors all of my phone calls when I'm around.

"You see what you've done, Midoriya?!" That only made me laugh harder. "I'm hanging up now..."

I continued laughing even as I heard the call end.

Hand Crusher!

That's just brilliant!


Grahhh!" Michiko scratched her head in frustration as we sat in our homeroom, waiting for Yamada-sensei to arrive. "I can't believe finals are coming up so soon!

"A-ah," I sweat dropped. "I'm s-sure they won't be too b-bad."

"Easy for you to say..." She sulked before pointing at me accusingly. "You're literally the smartest person in our year! There's no way that you wouldn't pass!"

"I-I wouldn't say smartest..." There are plenty of smart people in our class.

For the most part...

"Sure..." Ah, she sounded bitter...

"If y-you want, I can help you s-study!" I offered causing sparkles to appear in her eyes.

"You would do that?!" She practically glomped me after I responded with a nod. "You're the best, Masami-chan!"

"It's r-really no problem," I assured her with the sweat drop still on my face.

"Now I won't fail!!!"

Oh dear...

She's crying now...


"Y-You want to make the practical e-exam for the Hero Course m-more difficult?" I tilted my head in confusion at the information Aizawa-sensei had given me as we sat in the teachers work area. I was only allowed in there since Aizawa-sensei had to keep an eye on me outside of class.

"Ah," He confirmed. "We're still coming up with ideas though."

"Hmm," I put a finger up to my chin in thought. "W-why don't y-you just have the s-students fight the teachers. T-that way, i-it would be easier to determine exactly w-what the students need to work o-on."

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