Chapter 49

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“Eraser Head, you spoke about the safety of the students,” A news reporter started as Principal Nezu and the two teachers of Classes 1-A and B. “However, during the incident, it appears you urged them to fight despite there even being a General Studies Course student involved. What was your intention behind this?”

    The man in question looked completely different than usual. He was wearing a suit, his hair was slicked back, and he had even shaved for the press conference. It was clear how serious the situation was.

    “I concluded that because we were unable to fully grasp the situation, it had to be done in order to avoid the worst possible outcome.” Aizawa explained for the man.

    “What do you mean by ‘worst possible outcome’? You don’t call 27 victims and one abducted the worst possible outcome?”

    “The ‘worst outcome’ I assumed in that situation was that the students would be at their wits’ end and be killed.” Aizawa admitted with no change in expression.

    “The gas attack accounts for most of the victims.” Nezu wasn’t smiling for once. “We have determined that it was a sleeping gas from one of the enemies’ Quirks. Thanks to the quick response of Kendo-san and Tetsutetsu-san, there were no serious injuries from that attack. In addition, we are providing mental care to the students, but at the moment, we do not see any signs of serious psychological trauma.”

    “Are you saying that it was a bright spot in this tragedy?”

    “We believe that the worst outcome is one that would have infringed on the future.” Nezu answered back quickly and with ease.

    “Can you say the same for the kidnapped Bakugo?” The man had a most irritatingly blank look on his face as he asked his questions. “He enrolled at U.A. High with excellent marks and won the Sports Festival. In addition, during the incident with the sludge villain in middle school, he resisted the powerful villain alone, so he has a history of showing how tough and heroic he can be. On the other hand, the violence he showed in the finals and his attitude at the award ceremony show that he is not always very stable mentally. What if the villains kidnapped him because they had an eye on that? Kidnapping him with deceitful words, and dyeing him with the path of evil? What evidence do you have for saying that he has a future?”

    Anybody could tell, with a single look, that Aizawa was pissed off. Many reporters already knew of his dislike for the media, and this one was taking advantage of that. However, nobody expected it when Aizawa stood up and bowed.

    “As an educator, I take full responsibility for Bakugo Katsuki’s violent behavior.” Aizawa ‘apologized.’ “However, his actions at the Sports Festival originate in what he considers ‘ideal strength.’ He is trying harder than anyone in his pursuit of becoming the ‘top hero.’ If the villains saw that and thought they had an opening, then I believe they are being short sighted.”

    “That is not evidence, though.” The reporter claimed. “This isn’t a question of how you feel. I’m asking whether or not you have a concrete plan in place.”

    “We are not just standing around idly.” Nezu replied in turn. “We are currently investigating along with the police. We will definitely get our student back!”

    “And what can you say of the quirkless General Studies student that got caught up in this incident?” Another reporter, this one being female, stood up and began questioning. “Is she not hospitalized now due to two pro heroes that turned out to be traitors?”

    Vlad and Nezu both glanced at Aizawa as his fists clenched almost unnoticeably underneath the table. Fortunately, though, he managed to keep calm.

    “Hideyoshi Masami’s hospitalization was a mistake on my part.” Aizawa admitted with a bit more tense voice. “We were unaware of a more dark past that she shared with the two and made the mistake of not telling her to keep from fighting. However, I think it is also worth mentioning that despite being a General Studies Course student as well as ‘quirkless’, as you like to mention, she took on both traitors and managed to restrain both of them with minimal injuries. If it wasn’t for her, none of us would have been aware of Cobra’s and Silent Raven’s betrayal until it was too late.”

    “And do you think that the girl’s parents would share the same thoughts with their daughter being unconscious in the hospital?” This reporter was clearly a newbie. You could even see a few of the veteran reporters cringe at the question.

    “If her parents were alive, I like to believe that they would be quite proud seeing as Hideyoshi’s own mother was a former pro hero.” The reporter’s eyes widened as she realized her mistake of asking about Masami’s parents. “Also, in case you’ve yet to learn of it yet, Hideyoshi Masami has woken up today and has been found to be in almost perfect condition.”

    “O-oh, well--”


A nurse shut the television off with a shake of her head as she decided that it would be in her best interest not to watch it. She felt horrible for U.A. and the students and heroes that got caught up in the incident. She had actually been put in charge of checking in on one of the mentioned students in the conference.

    “Hideyoshi Masami, huh?” The nurse looked at her clipboard as she walked to the girl’s room. “Knock knock,” She entered her room after a quick knock. “How are you, Hideyoshi-san? Is everything... feeling…. Okay?”

    She looked around at the empty room in confusion before her eyes landed on the open window in the room. Judging by how cold it was, the nurse could only assume that it had been open for quite a while…


    Hideyoshi Masami was missing.


    “Oh dear…” A white haired vigilante sighed from atop the building she was sitting on. She had also been watching the press conference on one of the big screens that displayed the news in Camino. So far, she hadn’t been pleased with what she was seeing. “The press is just brutal, aren’t they? Though… I have to give the teachers credit… It must take a lot to be able to put up with their BS…”

Shirokage had grown to become an expert at avoiding the media. It's not that she couldn't handle their questions or anything. She just thought that they were a bit terrifying.

Yes, Shirokage, the number one vigilante, was scared of news reporters out of all things.

They reminded her of a pack of rabid wolves trying to kill you.

She also hated their incessant talking. It was quite annoying.

However, what she hated most, was that reporters rarely ever reported anything that was happy or pleasing.

"I fear the news that will be shown later tonight..."


1161 words excluding A/N's

Oooh~ We're almost at the reveal of Shirokage's identity~

Finished- 11:43 pm on December 26, 2018


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