Why Me? (Bailey) [1/2]

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Buzz buzz.


"For the love of-" I say as I mindlessly answer the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Y/F/N! You up for a ladies night, tonight?!" Bailey screams into my ear.

My eyes widen almost instantly and I fall off of the bed in fear.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks.

I groan into the phone before I say:

"Your yelling made me fall off my bed!"

"Oh please Y/N, you have known me long enough to prep yourself for my yelling once you answer my phonics calls. We've been friends for how long? Fifteen years. We've been friends for fifteen years, Y/N. You should know what to expect from me by now, don't pretend that-"

"Okay, okay. I got it, we've been friends for fifteen years. I should know what to expect, blah blah blah. And yes, I will go for a ladies night with you, now can I please go back to sleep?" I ask.

I hear her scoff at me on the other line.

"Lazy heffer." She insults.

"Love you too." I say.

"See you in a couple hours."

"Bye." I say before I hang up.

I stand up from the floor and clutch my back in pain. I purposely lean forwards, cracking my back in the process. I sigh in satisfaction and proceeded cracking my bones as I stretch my sore muscles.

I collapse back onto the bed and wiggle my hips to find a comfortable spot. I hum as I feel myself slowly slipping back to sleep.

Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep!

I slam the dismiss button on the alarm and place a pillow onto my face as I scream into it.


"Good morning Dr. Y/L/N, I have your-" Cristina starts.

I put up my index finger as a sign to stop talking. I close my eyes as I take a big gulp of my large Mocha Latte. I release a slow breath before I say:

"Okay, continue."

"I.. I have all of your rounds in the order of most critical to least critical. The patient in 22336 is requesting your presence." Cristina continues.

"Okay, Thanks Dr. Yang." I say before I take the charts from her.

I give her a respectful nod and walk to the elevator. As the elevator doors open, Bailey and Sheppard step out of it.

"Y/N, you look like-"

"Someone who looks like a truck ran over her ten times over? Yeah, I know. That's what happens to your body when you are running on three hours of sleep." I finish.

I step onto the elevator and Bailey decides to stay on.

"Is that a mocha latte?" She asks me.

"Don't you know." I say.

She chuckles and says:

"You keep on, Y/N Y/L/N. And you will be the best hematologist this hospital has ever seen."

"Yes ma'am." I say.

"Are you still having nightmares? About your parents?" She asks.

I nod again and take another big bull of my latte.

"But I'll be fine. Despite what my face and body language may tell you, I am be fine." I say.

The elevator dings before it's doors opens and I walk out.

"Really though, I'm fine." I say before the doors close.

I puff my cheeks as I release a long blow of air. I start walking up the stairs and initiate my rounds.

I was finishing up my last round when I get a page from Bailey. I look down at it to see it read: 9-1-1. My eyebrows knit together as I continue to stare at the pager.

"Is everything okay?" My patient asks.

"Yeah um, everything's fine. I will send another doctor to finish your check up, okay?" I say.

My patient nods and I walk out of the room as soon as possible. I speed walk down the stairs, to the first floor. I look at Bailey and she gives me a look; the look when I told her the story of my parents. My heart races as she walks over to me and drags me into the supply closet.

"B.. Bailey, why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"Y/N, you have to listen to me, okay? Listen to me very carefully." She says as she puts her hands on my shoulders.

She squeezes them slightly as she holds my gaze.

"Bailey, you're starting to scare me." I admit.

"Your foster mom is here at Seattle Grace, and she has lung cancer." She states.

I hold onto her wrists as I say:


"I'm so sorry." She states.

"What? Why, why is this happening? Why!" I spazz.

My lungs almost burst when I take short, shallow breathes. Somehow my heart beats even faster and I dig my nails into her lab coat. My knees buckle and Bailey catches me in time. My body starts to shake uncontrollably and my vision starts to get blurry.

"Y/N? Y/N!" Bailey states as she holds me.

She sets me on the floor and I crawl into fetal position. One hand is tucked to my chest and the other is held onto my Bailey.

"She is stable for now. You can visit her, but you have to pull yourself together. She needs you to be strong right now, okay? She needs you to be Y/F/N Addams, hematologist. Not Y/F/N Y/L/N, the woman having a panic attack." She states.

I squeeze her hand to match my breath pace and I finally feel myself beginning to calm down. My heartbeat slows down as well as my breathing. My vision grew clearer until my tears clog it up again.

"Is.. i-is she okay?" I ask.

"She is okay. She was asking for you, the moment she got admitted." She states.

A sigh of relief leaves my lips and I lean onto Bailey's chest. I close my eyes and focus on her steady heartbeat. She rests her chin on my head and I quickly wipe away my tears.

I stand from the floor and wipe off the dirt from my hands.

"I'm okay." I say.

I shake my nerves away and look at her. She raises an eyebrow at me and I say:

"I will be okay, I just need to see her."

"Room 3209." She informs.

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