After Math (Owen & Bailey) [1/3]

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Chief Webber gave me a month to grief my foster mother's death. Since Owen drove me, carried me, and laid me in bed, I haven't move since. I've been staring up at the ceiling for a week and counting. I haven't eaten or moved in almost a month. Owen and Bailey have came by and insisted that I put myself out in the world.

It's a lot harder than it sounds. It's like my body and my mind are having a conflict with each other. My mind wants me to get up and do something with my life, whereas my body wants the exact opposite. I feel like my body feels like an 120 anchor to the bed.

Sadly, there are days where my mind goes back to the memories I had with Mom. The good memories. The influential memories.

I blink slowly as I hold my gaze on the ceiling. I slow release a breath before I finally close my eyes and succumb to my sleep.

"Hello?" I hear Miranda say before she closes the door.

I groan in response and she opens the door to my bedroom.

"Wh-? Y/N, you have not moved I since the last time I saw you; which was five days ago! Get off your lazy behind and do something!" She commands.

I turn over to my side and face her as I tuck my hands underneath my head.

"There, I did something." I say.

She scoffs at me and shift her weight onto one hip.

"So this is it, this is how the Y/F/N Y/L/N meets her demise, by starving herself. By isolating herself from human contact and civilization. You are going to drive yourself crazy doing this, you're gonna-"

"I'm already going crazy!" I snap.

I whip my covers off of my body and I stand from the bed.

"I'm going crazy because now I have no one... I have no one to love me like she loved me.. I have no one to care about as much as I care about her. Even though we aren't bonded by blood like Meredith said, she is still my Mom. She's my Mom, Miranda.. She's my Mom and I lost her." I say.

"I tried, I tried so hard to get up from this bed and do something! Instead of.. I-instead of staying here and thinking about all the good times I had with my Mom. But I just can't, I can't do it. I won't do it, because if I move on then I feel like I'm forgetting about her. I don't want to forget all about her and leave her in the ground." I add.

"Hey, hey, hey." She says as she pulls me into her embrace.

"You're not forgetting about her. You are taking care of yourself. She would want you to take care of yourself and to be happy.. There are other things that make you happy, like Taekwondo and surgery and cooking and writing- you are one of the best writers that I have ever seen. And you are one of the most strongest kickers I have ever seen. You are an amazing and inspiring woman. After you push passed this, you will have a beautiful story to tell." She states.

She sits me on the bed and holds my body against hers. She rests her chin on the back of my neck and rubs circles on my back.

"Moving on from her doesn't mean that you are forgetting about her. Moving on from her means that you are growing as a person. It's not wrong to grow as a person, okay?" She reassures.

I nod and bury my face in the crook of her neck.

"You want to know what I think you should do?.. I think that you should take a shower, and go get a tattoo in honor of your mother... there is nothing less regretful than a getting a tattoo to honor someone you genuinely care about. And.. I also think that you should schedule at least two days of Taekwondo and one day of grief counseling. On top of that, you should have a pet, I don't care what it is: dog, fish, snake, bird, something. The busier you are, the less likely you are to be a Debbie Downer." She says.

"You are my best friend and I love you.. I don't want to see you like this anymore. Look at you, you almost lost twenty pounds and you have not showered in a month in a half."

"Wow, that sounds depressing," Owen states as he walks.

I sit up straight and wipe away my tears.

"Owen." I whisper and run into his arms.

He holds the back of my neck and my lower abdomen. One of the best things about Owen Hunt is his hugs. I rest my face on his shoulder and squeeze him tighter.

"You cracked her?" He asks.

My chest vibrates with the deepness of his voice.

"She cracked herself." Miranda states.

"I'm going to do what Miranda says. Are you in?" I ask as I pull away from his hug.

"Am I in for what?" He asks.

"Haven't you heard? I'm getting a tattoo." I say with a small smile on my face.


I walk into Seattle Grace Mercy West with a new attitude and new walk. I followed Miranda's advice and now I feel much happier. I have accepted that my mother is gone and that she is in a better place. And I have also accepted that I will never forget about her, I have a tattoo on my forearm to prove that.

I deeply inhale the scent of medical alcohol and rubber. I walk to the elevators, passing a crowd of people with either blue or orange scrubs. I heard multiple wolf whistles followed by some comments.

"Who is that?" A man asks.

"Dude, she is five leagues above you. Every guy wants to hit that, but has anybody succeeded? No." Karev states.

"Yeah, so one of the most hard core women here. She takes her job very seriously, and she doesn't mix her work life with her personal life. That's why she's a better surgeon than all of us combined." Meredith states.

"Eh." Cristina states.

"Remember, she saved the Chief's life." Meredith adds.


"Jackson, don't even think about it." Bailey snaps.

I smile to myself and patiently wait for elevator to go to the lobby.

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