Foursome? (Alex & Izzy) [1/3]

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A/N: In this imagine, Adam is Adam Rodriguez. 👌🏽😊

"Babe." I say as I shake Adam awake.

"Babe, we're here." I add.

Everyone on the plane were beginning to stand and stretch their stagnant muscles.

Even when the place shook as it landed, Adam is still asleep.

"Adam." I say.

I push back his black, curly locks and press a kiss on his lips. He hums awake and says:

"What happened?"

"You sleep like a bear in hibernation. That's what happened." I say.

He chuckles and licks his lips as he stretches. I stand from my seat and crack in all of the neccessary places. I sigh in satisfaction and reach up to get our carry on luggage.

Adam stands as well and hugs me from behind. He inhales the scent of my Versace perfume and presses a kiss on the back of my neck.

"Are you guys on your honeymoon?" An elderly woman asks.

Adam and I exchanged a look and I say:

"No ma'am. We're here visiting a friend for the holidays."

"Oh good. It's nice to be around friend and family during the holidays, especially Thanksgiving." She states.

I hand Adam his carry on and smile at her at the same time.

"Oh what a beautiful smile you have, dear." She compliments.

"Why thank you." I say.

"Don't you agree?" She asks Adam.

"Absolutely." Adam states as he tucks a curl behind my ear.

"Are you two in love?" She asks.

"Absolutely." I say.

I stand with my carry on bag slung across my body.

"Proceed off of the plane in a calm and orderly fashion." The flight attendant directs.

"So, what are you here for ma'am?" I ask.

"Oh, call me Carol. I'm here to visit my son for the weekend." She states.

"Well, Carol. Travel safe, there are a lot of crazy people out there, especially during the holidays." I say.

"Of course, you too, dear." She says before walking into the aisle.

I do a double take as I see Adam smiling at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Well look at you, my little social butterfly." He teases.

"I was taught to respect my elders." I say.

We locked eyes and both erupt with laughter. We proceed to get our luggage and walk to see Alex standing there with a sign saying:

Y/N "the Ram" Y/L/N

I bite back a smile and Adam cleared his throat.

"Babe, it's not an insult. It's just what the called me back in high school. I was the only girl on the wrestling team and I was known for pushing guys off from mat with my head. Hence the name." I add.

"Oh." He says.

I smile at him and pull him down for a quick kiss.

"Y/N!" Alex states.

"Long time no see!" He adds.

He engulfs me for a hug and both his girlfriend and Adam stood there awkwardly.

"Adam this is Alex and his girlfriend Izzie." I introduce.

"Izzie, this is Y/N and her boyfriend Adam." Alex introduces.

"Hey." Adam and I say in unison.

We exchanged a look before laughing.

"Well look at you, already speaking in unison." Izzie teases.

"I swear it's not intentional." I say.

Adam holds my hand in his and presses a lingering kiss on the back of my hand. The hand he happened to choose, was my left hand. The hand with the engagement ring on it.

"Wow, talk about a huge rock. Look at the size of that thing." Alex states.

Izzie gazes at it and smiles at me once I caught her looking.

There was an awkward silence between us before Izzie says:

"We should probably head out to the car now."

"Yup." I say.

I intertwine my hand with Adam's and walk with him to the car. We arrive to Izzie house, where the Thanksgiving gathering was taking place.

"Hello everyone! This is Y/N and her fiancé Adam." Izzie greets as we walk into the house.

"Hey." They all say in unison.

Adam and I wave. Soon enough I hear a bark and a shaggy looking dog emerged from the kitchen.

"Uh-Oh." I hear a woman say.

"Doc, no!" Izzie says.

Doc doesn't listen to either of them. He looks at me and runs towards me. Adam steps in front of me and I say:

"It's okay. He's not going to hurt me."

Adam reluctantly backs off and Doc jumps on his hind legs. He presses his paws against my abdomen.

"Hey." I say as I push Doc's paws off of my abdomen.

He lands on all fours and preps himself to jump again.

I clap my hands together so the loudness echoes throughout the whole house. Everyone went silent, including Adam.

"Sit." I say in a stern voice.

Doc whines and complies. I extend my hand for him to sniff and he does so. As he sniffs my hand, he wags his tail and I crouch down to his level. He scoots closer to me and sniffs my clothes.

He barks with excitement and rolls over on his belly.

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? You're a good boy, yeah." I say in a baby voice.

I look up at see everyone looking at me with their mouths gaped open.

"How, did you do that?" Izzie asks.

"Well, Adam and I have a Doberman back at home and she was a pain in the ass to housebreak. After weeks of training, she can run free and stay by our side the whole time." I say.

"You can probably do the same thing with Doc, if you are persistent with the training." I add.

Doc whimpers and lays his head on my lap. I gently rub the inside of his ears and he yowls. They all chuckle and I stand up. I pet Doc's head as I say:

"Good boy."

Doc sits and lays down by my feet. I smile down at him and Adam says:

"Is something burning?"

"Crap! The stuffing and Mac n' Cheese!" Izzie says as she dashes into the kitchen.

I follow her into the kitchen to see her set two platters on the counter. What was suppose to be the Mac n' Cheese was dark as charcoal; so was the stuffing.

"Damn it!" Izzie says as she pinches the brides of her nose.

"No distress. I'll help out however I can to make sure this Thanksgiving dinner is made." I reassure.

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