The Tragedy of Seattle Grace Mercy West (Jackson) [1/4]

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I sigh as I roll around in the warm duvet. The bird's chirps welcome me as I wake up. I stretch out my sore muscles as I sit up in bed.

I release a slow puff on air before swing my legs over the bed.

Before I try to stand up, Jackson pulls me back down and hovers over me. He smiles at me before he presses long, warm kisses on my lips.

"Good morning, baby." He greets.

"Mmm, Good morning." I say.

He settles himself in between my legs and he caresses up and down my forearms.

"Jack, we need to stop or we will be late for work." I say breathlessly.

"Then I guess we have to make this quick then." He says.


Jackson and I walk into the resident's dressing room to see Derek sitting on a bench. He is leaning his elbows onto his knees as he bows his head in shame. I turn to Jack and say:

"Go check on your rounds, I will be out in a minute."

He nods and walks down the hall.

I close the door and sit down next to Derek. I mimic his actions so that we are eye level with each other. Derek doesn't bother to look up from his gaze on the floor. I examine his face and notice how guilt ridden it is. His dark blue eyes are glazed over and his face droops with sadness.

He shifts uncomfortably under my gaze and he presses his lips together to hold back his tears.

"What happened?" I ask in a soft voice.

"I killed her. He trusted me with his wife's life, and I killed  her. I promise him that I would get the tumor out with little complications as possible, and I didn't hold that promise. He stood by her every hour of every day, but she still didn't wake up. She didn't wake up and we had to pull the plug on her.. I'm a murderer." He says with his voice cracking.

"Derek," I say as I pull him in for a hug.

He rests his chin on my shoulder and hugs me tighter.

"Where's Meredith?" I ask.

"S-She's doing her rounds."

"Does she know about..?"

"She knew that I did it, but she doesn't know that it affected me like this. He tried to sue the hospital a couple days ago."

"What? Who is this guy?" I say as I pull away.

"Gary, Gary Clark. I pulled the plug on his wife because we needed more space for patients." He says as he sighs.

"Chief its.. a pain in the ass." He adds.

"I figured that it would.. but I have faith in you as a person and as a doctor. You will be a great Chief.. and if you need a secretary or an assistant, I'll be glad to help." I suggest.

"I'm sorry about your mother.. and I'm sorry that Meredith was being so insensitive while you were hurting.. Losing a parent is the worst feeling in the world. I understand why you were so isolated from everybody, but I'm glad that you are back now. Things were kind of chaotic with you gone. I mean, Bailey kept the peace but with you two here, there's hardly any problems. Please don't leave again." He states.

"I'm not going anywhere, Derek. I promise." I say.

He pulls me in for another hug and I say:

"Everything is going to be okay; just breathe, take a break from being awesome before moving forward."

"Thank you." He says against my neck.

"No problem."

I waited a couple of minutes for Derek to pull himself together before I walk out with him. I check in with Jackson before starting up my rounds.

"Ms. Y/L/N, I'm on your service today." Dr. Karev states.

"Okay, follow me." I direct.


The start of the morning was insanely slow, there were no E.R. patients, surgeries were to a minimum. It was a slow, quiet day; being an attending, I know better than to say the q word.

"Do you feel like something's not right?" Karev asks as we finish checking in on a patient.

"What do you mean? Are you a psychic or something?" I ask with curiosity lacing my voice.

"N-no, I think that psychics and gypsies are frauds, but I dunno.. I feel like something bad is going to happen. And I know that is bad to say something like that, because I could jinx it." He trails off as he catches my gaze.

"It's stupid, I'm sorry for getting you worked up." He adds.

"No, I'm fine. You're not stupid. I'll keep an eye out for anything out of the norm." I say before I put him on the back.

"You want to catch a couple minutes of the game?" I ask referring to the basketball game.



"Dr. Karev, don't you have somewhere to be? Patients to check on?" Jackson states as he sees Karev and I chilling on the couch.

"Aww, is the Jackiepoo jealous?" Karev taunts in his baby voice.

"Can it, Karev." Jackson snaps.

Karev laughs at him and I stand up to walk to Jackson. He has his arms crossed as he narrows his beautiful eyes at me.

"You're not jealous, right babe?" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I know that Karev doesn't know boundaries, and he doesn't care if you are somebody's girl. You are my girl, mine; and if I have to fight for you than I will." He says as he rests his hands on my waist.

"There is isn't the 1600s, okay? You don't have to 'fight for my honor'. Karev doesn't respect a lot of people, but he has a common courtesy for me. Mostly because I put him in his place when he doesn't. Besides, I am your and only yours." I reassure.

I press a reassuring kiss on his lips as he cups the sides of my face. I tilt my head to the side so I can deepen the kiss. I slowly pull away from his lips and he says:

"I got to go, I have a surgery and Cristina is leading it."

"Oof, good luck with that." I say.

He gives me a quick peck before he walks away.

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