Unexpected Love (1/2) -Requested-

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A/N: Here you go, shamira_avery ! Sorry for the huge delay, its been a really busy first few weeks of school. I did tweak one thing to make the story more dramatic, but I do hope that you like it.

Wincing as the cold gel comes into contact with my belly, chilling roll down my body. "Yeah, I know, cold gel on your warm belly isn't the best feeling in the world." OB/GYN says. "This entire building is cold. Where are we? In Texas? We're in Washington for God's sake." I snap, making my best friend DeLuca chuckle. He rests his face in his hands with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell." I add. "Don't be. Pregnancy has that effect on many women. I've been spoken to way worse than that." She says with a warm smile. "You're actually one of the most polite pregnant woman I've encountered." She states.

"Thank you," "No problem, darling. So it looks like your baby girl is looking pretty good. She looks nice and strong." She says. "Just like her mama," she adds. "Thank you, doctor:" And just in time, the baby's father and my boyfriend, Jackson Avery walks in.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. My patient's surgery pre-op took longer than expected. She crashed." Jackson says. "Oh my God, is the patient okay?" I ask, placing a hand over my heart in shock. "Yeah, it turns out she had a tumor that recently became malignant. Dr. Sheppard is operating on her now." He says as he takes a seat next to me. He takes my hand into his and presses a kiss on the back of it.

"How's my baby doing?" He asks. "She's nice and strong, right doc?" I answer. "I meant you, honey. But I'm glad the actual baby is doing well." He states before pecking me on the lips. DeLuca shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He always feels this way whenever Jackson displays any level of PDA. I've always wondered why.

"I'll get these pictures printed out for you and then you'll be on your merry way. I'll see you guys during her next trimester." The OB/GYN says as she walks out of the room. "Thank you," Jackson and I say in unison. Jackson brushes a few strands of hair from my face and pecks my lips again. "What you in the mood for? Subs? Philly Cheese Steak? Shwarma?" He asks. "Mmm, all of those please." I say, making him chuckle.

"There's something that we need to talk about—" he starts but his pager interrupts. "I'm so sorry babe, I have to go. We'll talk later over shawarma, okay?" He says before walking out. I watch as DeLuca glares at Jackson when he turns his back.

"You're doing it again," I say with a sigh as I take a towel from the tray to wipe off the jelly. "Doing what?" DeLuca says innocently. "Glaring at Jackson whenever he turns around." I state, swinging my legs over the edge of the chair.

"You know I don't like him, Y/N." "I know that, but it seems like it got worse recently and you won't tell me why." "Do you really want to know?" He asks. "Yes," "Then cancel your thing with him and go out with me to Joe's." "Matthew," I scold. "Please, it's actually really important." He pleads. He takes my hand into his and looks deeply into my eyes to add, "Please," "Oh fine," "Yes!" He says before pressing a kiss on my cheek.


"Okay, so what is so important that I had to cancel my plans for my boyfriend." I say as I sit across from DeLuca in the booth. "Well," He trails off as he chews on his bottom lip. From the constant shaking of the table, I could tell that he was bouncing his leg under the table. Wow, whatever he is about to tell me had been eating at him for a while.

"What's wrong, DeLuca? You're starting to scare me." I state. "Believe me when I say that I'm more scared of your reaction." He says, glancing into my eyes only for a moment. "Reaction to what?" I ask. DeLuca shakes his head with shame and I repeat, "Reaction to what, Matthew?"

"Jackson is cheating on you with April. He has been for the past month." He says shakily as he rests his face against his hands. "What did you just say?" "I'm sorry, but it took a lot of me to admit it the first time, I don't think I can say it again." He states. "How do you know this for sure?" I ask. "Because I walked in on them once when I was looking for a needle in the supply closet."

"A month? This has been going on for a month?" I say, glancing down at my hands. Tears brim in my eyes as the pits of my stomach bubble with betrayal. I lean my face into my hands and sob softly. "H/N," he says as he places a hand on my wrist. "You know for one month? And you didn't say anything?" I snap as I pull away from his touch.

"I'm sorry, Y/N—" "You let me believed that he actually loved me and respected me enough to keep me as his one and only. You know, since I'm carrying his child!" I say, earning looks from those around us. "What the hell are you looking at?" I snap, making them turn away from me. "Why did you wait so long to tell me?" I ask.

"Because... I loved you and I didn't know how to tell you without your heartbreaking." He says. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He adds. "Here are your cheeseburgers," the server says as she sets down the baskets of food. She looks from me to DeLuca and adds, "Well things became awkward really quick huh,"

None of us responded and she walks away. "I'm not hungry," I say lowly. "Yes you are. Don't let what I just told you ruin your appetite. You're going to need your energy when you go into labor."'he explains. "And what? Give birth to my lying, cheating, untrustworthy boyfriend?" "It's not the baby's fault that the father is a douchebag," he states.

"Oh, so you're saying that it's my fault?" "No! No, okay. It's not yours either. It's not anybody else's fault besides his own." He explains. I take a curly fry started munching on it as tears steam down my cheeks. "I'll be back," He says before standing from the booth.

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