The Affair (5/5)

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Nightfall came and I nearly spend five hours waiting for Jackson to come home. I get that he could have had an emergency at work, but if he us going to promise me something, at least let a girl know if you're not going to make it.

The clock read 11:40 pm and I finally decide to call it should night. Just as I turn off my lamp, I hear my front door unlock and open. I jump out of bed to see a disheveled Jackson setting his stuff down on the kitchen counter.

"What the hell Jackson? You tell me you'll be here because you have a surprise for me and you come by five hours later. You could have at least called." I say.

"I was with April," he says, sitting down.

He closed his eyes before he presses the palms of his hands to his eyes.

"Oh, so you were out screwing your wife and then coming back to me, for what? Was your wife's sex wasn't  good enough for you?" I say raising my voice slightly.

"She's pregnant; April is pregnant again, and it's mine." He says.

"What?"  I say.

My heart aches with sadness as I sit on the couch across from him.

"The night that I got home really late.. I was with April, taking about divorce papers and we got into an argument. One thing led to the other and the next thing we know we had sex and I got angry at myself for betraying you, so I left. About a week after she signed the divorce papers, I found out she was pregnant. And she wasn't the one who told me either;  Arizona did, and April confirmed it." He explains.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"I don't know... I mean why didn't she tell me that she was pregnant before she signed the papers.. things.. they would have been different." He admits.

"Different, huh? How so? You wouldn't have met me? I wouldn't have saw you in the supply closet, desperate for some friend? What, do you regret meeting me?" I say with tears brimming in my eyes.

He sighs in annoyance and says:

"I don't have the energy to argue. I've done enough arguing with April."

"I thought you said that you were over her," I say softly.

"I was... but I can't just ignore this baby. You know how much a baby means to me." He says.

"And I don't expect you to," I say in defeat.

"And here we thought that we were a no-strings-attached relationship." He says with a dry laugh.

"Well that doesn't matter now, especially now that we don't have a relationship, not anymore." I say.

"Y/N," he says.

"Have fun with April," I say before walking to my room.

I lock the door and slide down the door. My chest shakes as I silently sob. Tears blur my vision and as much as I try to wipe them away, more of them keep coming. I tuck my legs to my chest and rest my face on my kneecaps.

Sarah, one of my Rottweilers, sniffed my hair and used her snout to lift my head up. Rose laid across my feet and licked at my legs. I begin to sob louder and I lay my head against Sarah's body. She rested her head on top of mine as I continue to cry.


"You okay, Y/L/N?" Dr. Hunt says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." I say.

"Bailey says that she needs someone to help move into her new office. I could send you there for some busy work if you're not up for surgery." He offers.

"You're willing to do that for me?" I ask.

"You are ten times ahead of the other interns and you are a hard working woman. Women like you can have some leeway." He says.

"Thank you, sir." I say with a small smile.

"No problem. I'll let her know that you are on your way." He says.

I nod before making my way to the elevator when suddenly I am pulled into an on-call room. The door closes and locks as a hand is clamped over my mouth.

The hand muffles my scream and I knee the person in the groin. The figure grunts in pain and the removes his hand. I grab on the man's arm and flip him onto his back before setting him into an arm bar.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Y/N, it's just me! Stop!" The man says.

I turn on the light to see Jackson's face scrunched in pain. I hesitantly let go of his arm. He sits up as he cradles his hurt arm in his hand.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He asks.

"What's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? Who in their right mind would grab someone, bring them into a dark room and clamp your hand on their mouths?" I snap.

"I literally thought I was going to be kidnapped?!" I add.

He stands and moves his fingers to gain mobility to his arm.

"How did you you even know how the do that?" He asks as he cracks his back.

"I took a self defense class while I was high school and continued on while I was in college." I say.

"What did you think you were doing?" I ask.

"I wanted to talk.. about us."

"There is no 'us'. You ruined that when you got April pregnant. I knew this wasn't suppose to involve any feelings, but you're you... " I trail off as Jackson stands with a small smile on his lips.

"And I couldn't help myself... I know that it is my fault that I caught feelings for you, and I'm still trying to recover from that, so will you please make it easier for the both of us-"

He cups my cheeks and presses a warm kiss on my lips. I hold onto his wrists and pull away.

"Did you completely ignore what I just said?"  I ask.

"I'm going to help raise the baby, and in order to do that, April has to be in my life." He says, caressing my cheekbones.


"But that does not mean that I don't want you in mine." He interrupts.

"The love between April and I is gone, history will always be between us. That doesn't change the fact that I have feelings for you too." He adds.

He sits down and pulls me in between his legs.

"I want my baby to know you, as the woman who helped me the moment she walked into my life." He says.

"Do you want that too?" He asks.


"Good," He says before pulling me down for a kiss.

I slowly straddle his waist and wrap my arms around the back of his neck. He sets my back on the bed and pulls me underneath him. I pull his shirt over his head and he pulls down my pants. He lifts my shift up over my breasts and slowly kisses up my stomach.

"Wait, what about Dr. Bailey? Dr. Hunt already let her know that I was coming. I can't be late." I say.

"I'll just tell him that you were helping me out on getting my labs." He says before pressing a kiss on my clothes heat.

"Unless you want me stop.." He teases as he trails his fingers down my thighs.

I glare down at him and he smirks cockily.

"Didn't think so." He says.

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