Long Time Regrets -Requested-

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A/N: request for @aesthetic_styless. Sorry it took so long.

"I'm sorry," That's the last thing that Jackson said before leaving me. He claimed that he lost feelings for me, but I think something else happened to caused him the broke up with me.

At first, I was left wondering why. And now, I'm over it and I'm over him. It may have taken me a year, but I still did it. I have a friend who just started at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, and she wanted me to visit her.

Deciding that it's been a while since I left (Y/H/T), I agreed and she was ecstatic to hear that. I bought a plane ticket and packed a small suitcase before leaving the following week.


Stepping out of my car in the parking lot of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, I pull off my jacket and toss it in my back seat. I wore flats and a long dress shirt that ended an inch above the knee. I slip my phone in my pocket and casually walk towards the hospital.

I could have sworn that I saw a car that looked just like Jackson's car. But it must have been a coincidence. I walk into the hospital and advance toward the counter. "Hi, I'm here to visit Y/F/N." "Oh, Alright then. I'll page her. Feel free to wait in the waiting room."

"Thanks," I sit down in the waiting and look around to see crying loved ones and babbling babies. I smile as I notice a baby with caramel, adorable rolls and chubby cheeks. She looked at me with her chocolate brown doe eyes and smiled back at me.

"Cute," I say before looking out the window to see Jackson talking with a woman with her dark red hair pulled into a ponytail. My eyes widen as I watch them give each other a kiss before they left in separate directions. "Oh my God," I say.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I add before leaving the waiting room. Whenever I feel really anxious about something, I feel the need to extremely nauseous. It's a terrible cross, I know. I rush to the bathroom and lock myself in the stall.

I hold my face in my hands that were shaking and tears started to form in my eyes. I hate myself for this. I hate that I feel this way after a year of thinking that I was over him. Turns out, it was all just a fantasy in my head. That I was actually over him.

I caress my face, just like he used to, and my heart beat began to normalize. A shaky breath left my lips before I leave the stall. I wash my hands and dried but my face and hands with the paper towel. I sniffle as I open the door and without warning, a body runs into mine.

"Bro, are you serious right now? I am not—" "Lauren?" Jackson says in disbelief. I look into his eyes for a split second before spinning on my heel and leaving. "Wait," He holds me back by my arm. "You don't get to tell me to wait. Not when you left me alone. I'm just here to visit a friend."

"Lauren, I never got a chance to make things right." "Well, life is full of regrets isn't it?" I turn to leave again and this time, I am dragged into a supply closet. "Are you kidding me?" I cross my army defensively and he says, "I never lost feelings for you." "You think I didn't know that?"

"I see your sarcasm never went away." "You should see the shirt is that I bought the other day. It says 'I'm not always sarcastic, sometimes I'm sleeping'." "Which is one hundred percent true." "I have to go find my friend so—"

His hands cupped my cheeks and I felt my blood run cold in my veins. I stare into his baby blue eyes and I whisper, "Please, stop." "Stop what?" "Giving me hope," I say as I hold onto his wrists before push him away and rush out of the supply closet.

Jackson's POV
What's really weird about all of this, is that I've been having dreams about Lauren for the past few weeks. And all of a sudden, she shows up at my job. If that's not fate, I don't know what is.

I walk out of the supply closet, but my hands still tingle from touching her face. Her smooth, clear face that she tends to so much. Truth be told, the reason why I left her was because... thoughts of marriage entered my head. I was still young— too young— to be thinking about marriage.

So I pulled a cowardly move, and I left her. I left her and transferred to Grey Sloan Memorial. Leaving her was the biggest mistake I ever made. April, is great. She's amazing. But she's not Lauren. No one can be Lauren. Her laugh makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter, and her smile.. That can definitely make time stop.

Shit, get yourself together Jackson. You're with April now. You messed things up with Lauren, just move on. But I can't get Lauren's voice out of my head. "Don't give me hope."


"I don't.. I don't understand. I thought we were doing great." April says. "We are— I mean, we were but.. something came up. Something important and now I think that our relationship is clouding my mind from that important thing."

"Okay, well whatever it is. We can get through it. I can help you, just as you helped me. We're stronger together than we are apart." She takes my hand into hers and kisses it. "You don't have to push me away." I can't hurt April the same way I hurt Lauren. I have to tell her the truth.

"My ex came into town, and I realized that I made a mistake leaving her." April pulls away from me and stands from the couch. "What?" She says sharply. "You're leaving me.. for your ex! What kind of ass backwards logic is that!"

"I love her, April!" "You love me too, Jackson!" "Well I love her more. And I'm going to find her." I grab my keys, wallet and jacket before leaving the apartment. I drove to Y/F/N's house and knock on her door, hoping Lauren was there.

Lauren's laugh confirmed that she was there. She opens the door and for split second, I saw her genuine smile. The kind of smile that makes her eyes look small and her teeth so beautiful. She has her hair pulled into a loose bun and a cute pikachu onesie.

Her smile drops and Y/F/N approaches the door as well. "Jackson, what are you doing here?" Y/F/N asks. "Is there an emergency at the hospital?" She adds. "Uh, no. I actually came here to talk to Lauren." Y/F/N glances at Lauren before walking back into her loft.

"Jackson, I'm really not in the mood for—." "I left April." "Why?" "Because, I realized that I didn't love her as much as I loved you." "Jackson, please don't do this." "I think that we should give this a second chance." "What's the point! How do I know that you won't leave me again?"

"I left you because I was scared, but I'm not scared anymore. I know what I want, and that's to marry you." "No, absolutely not. I've lost all trust in you." "Then, I'll earn it back." "Ho—" I cup her cheeks and slam my lips onto hers. Her mind and her body fought with one another but her body finally gives in.

Her arms wrap around my neck and she walks me into the wall. I lift her into my arms and she wraps her legs around my waist. I slowly pull away from her lips and kiss all around her face.

"I'll make everything up to, I promise." "You better," She says as she brushes her nose against mine. "And uh.. Pikachu?" I ask, referencing her onesie. "Don't judge me," She says before kissing me again.

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