Mistaken Love -Requested-

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A/N: request for @Jinx_Calem

Y/N walks into the bar to drink away her anger because her parents think that they can control who she talks to do. Mainly because they want to continue their lineage of their business. And they want the person she dates to be worthy of that title.

She muted her phone as she sits down and ordered a beer. Jackson recognized Y/N from the other attendings but he never got a chance to talk to her. And she looked like she needed someone to talk to just like he does. He makes his way over there and she recognized him.

"Hey, Jackson right?" "Yep. Y/N?" "That's me," she says. "Why do you look so glum?" He asks. "My parents think that they can control who I date because they have the money to bribe whom ever they want. And it's so damn frustrating because everyone that they try to set me up with are either ugly, narcissistic or both." She says all in one breath.

Jackson raises a brow at her and she adds, "I'm sorry. I just needed to get that out." "I completely understand. My mother is a stickler for being in control of everyone and everything. And when I tried to defy her, it always ended in heated debates." "Exactly, and I hate debating. I hate it with a passion, but if I have to, I will."

Jackson and Y/N stayed at the bar until early in the morning. And they've stayed in touch since then. Jackson and his friends see Y/N as one of the boys, so they always invited her to parties and pool games.

Lexi envied Y/N for that. How easily she became apart of Jackson's life when she worked so hard to get there.

When I found out that Jackson was dating Lexi, my heart cracked a little. He understood me on a level none of my friends or boyfriends ever could. And he's taken. But at least he's still in my life as a friend, and that's better than him not being in my life at all.

"Hey, Y/N, the boys and I are going to get drunk on a jacuzzi. Wanna come?" Before I could answer, Andrew says, "What no, you said it was just going to be dudes. No girls allowed." "She's the exception, brick head. She's one of us." Jackson says as he looks into my eyes with a small smile on his lips.

Damn, did that smile make my heart flutter. "It's fine, you can spend sometime with the boys. It is Saturday after all." "Nope, not taking no for an answer. You are one of the boys. Come on." Jackson takes my hand and drags me into the changing room.

He waited for me outside of the changing room and dragged me from the hospital to his car. I made eye contacted with Lexi and she looked like a blend of anger and hurt. Which probably means that her and Jackson will fight over me. Again.

"Jackson," I say. "You're coming with me. End of discussion." "What about Lexi?" "What about her?" "She's.. I can tell that she's hurt that you're doing this. Hanging out with me." "Y/N, you're my friend. I can have girl friends the same way that she can have guy friends. We're all adults here."

"But that doesn't mean that she isn't going to hurt because of it." "Where is this coming from?" "Its out of respect for her that I'm saying this." "So what do you want me to do? Stop hanging out with you? Break up with her?" "I'm not saying for you to do any of those things." I sigh before adding, "I have to go. Have fun on the jacuzzi."

Then I walk to my car and drive off.


I've been seeing Alex for at least a month and it's definitely been eventful. The best thing about him is that he is unpredictable, and I never know what's the next experience is going to be.

Today is the annual baseball game between Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital and Seattle Presbyterian Hospital. I've been told that they were the best. But that was before they had me on the team. Now—hopefully— Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital has a fighting chance.

I am currently doing my stretches when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I place my hands on Alex's arms and look up at him. "Hi," "Hey, you ready?" "I was born ready." "That's the spirit," he says before kissing me. He takes off his hat and puts on mine.

"There, for good luck." "But what about your good luck charm?" I ask. "Is right here," he states as he kisses me again. "Okay, that was smooth. I'll give you that." He slapped my thigh before leaving and I look over to see Jackson staring at me.

Things have been tense between me and Jackson since our argument. I hate the tension but Jackson can't have both of us in his life. It's just not going to work. I smile at him and he smiles back. The next thing I knew he was walking over to me and pulls me in for a hug.

I sigh and wrap my arms around him. "I missed you, pipe squeak." "I hate it when you call me that." I say, making him laugh. Little did we know, Alex and Lexi were both looking at us like they were going to set a fire with their eyes.

A few minutes later, the game started and I was one of the first runner ups. It had to take almost an hour of convincing Webber of my potential for that to happen. I approach the plate with the bat held behind my head.

I count to three in my head before swinging the bat and hitting the ball. The crack of the impact made my ears hurt but once I saw the ball hit a tree clear across the field, I started running as fast as I could to the bases. "Yes!" Webber says as he claps his hands.

"Whoohoo, that's my baby right there!" Alex says. "Run, Forrest, run!" Bailey says. I made it to home place and link my arms above my head so I can catch my breath. Everyone swarms me and pats me on the back. "We may actually have a chance at winning with her." Webber says.  "Told ya," I say before collapsing into Alex's arms.


Jackson's POV
I sit on the couch and Lexi's voice rings in my head. "I'm still in love with Mark. I'm sorry, Jackson... but I was using you. Trying to distract my mind from him, but I realized that I can't." "I'm sorry, Jack." She adds before leaving.

That's when I also realized who my heart belonged to. I stand from the couch and text Y/N to meet me by the docks. She responded with okay and I drove over there to wait for her. I turn around when I hear a car door closed. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"It will be in a minute." I walk over to her and held her cheeks as I kissed her. "I broke up with Alex." She says and I add, "And Lexi broke up with me." "It seems like.. we were—" "Meant to be," She finishes.

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