Them (4/5)

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She smiles softly and I gently hold her back as she both stands from her chair. I gasp at how skinny she was. I could feel the bones of her ribs and spine shift under my hand. They've been starving this poor girl.

"What's wrong? Did I do it? I'm sorry." She says, her face wrinkling almost as if she was going to cry.

"No, sweetie." I say as I kneel down to her level.

"This was not your fault, okay? None of this is your fault and don't let anybody tell you otherwise, okay?" I add.

She nods and looks at me like I was the first person who's been nice to her in a long time.

"Come on, let's go." I say with a warm smile.

After I change back to my normal clothes, I took Naomi to the burger joint and ask:

"Before we order, do you have any food allergies that you know of?"

"No, not that I know of,"

"Alright, are there any foods that you really hate?" I ask.

"Nope, I love all food." She answers.

"Great, let eat." I say.


I watch with my mouth gaped open as I see Naomi practically ate the burger in like five bites. She just finished eating her fries and released a loud belch, earning stares from us.

"Sorry," I say for Naomi.

"Did you want to order more?" I ask.

She shakes her head no and I eye her skeptically.

"When was the last time you ate?" I ask.

"Eight in the morning," she answers.

"This morning?"

She shakes her head no before saying:

"Three days ago,"

I sigh with sadness as I run my fingers through my hair.

"Oh my God," I say to myself.

"I'll order some chicken tenders, then we'll go eat some ice cream, and we'll buy you a proper coat." I add, and for the first time in the five days that I've known her, her eyes sparkled and she actually smiled.

"That sound like a plan?" I ask.

She nods frantically before taking a sip of her drink.


Naomi and I spent the last two hours looking for the perfect coat. As we arrive back got the hospital, I look over to see Naomi sleeping peacefully in her new coat, cuddling with her new teddy bear and her head resting on the car door.

"Naomi," I whisper.

She grumbles a little before going back to sleep, and it's then when I realized that she has to go back to North Carolina with my Mom and Dad. A place, which is clear across the country.

"Naomi, you need to wake up. This is important." I say.

When she senses the seriousness in my tone, so awakens and looks at me.

"We're at the hospital, and our parents are waiting for us." I say, making her sigh with sadness.

I try to keep it together for that next thing I am about to tell her.

"Do you have a place where you go when things get rough?" I ask.

She shakes her head no and I add:

"I'm going to give a my number, alright? This is a friend's number who helped me, and I know that he can help you too. You call this number and you say that you are Y/N/N little sister.  He'll know who you and he'll take care of you until I get there. You memorize this number and then you burn it. Do you hear me? You burn it."

I rip off a piece of paper and wrote Conner's number down. I give it to her and she hides it in her pocket.

"I don't want to go back. Can you have me instead?" She whimpers, making my heart ache.

"The only way that can happen is if we fight for you in court. And that could take a couple weeks." I explain.

"After those weeks, you'll come for me right?" She asks.

"That will be the first thing that I do. I promise." I say.

She jolts over the center console and pulls me in for a tight hug. I wrap my arms around she tiny frame, careful of her bone fragility.

"Thank you.. so much." She says with strain.

"No problem sweetheart," I say.

She continues to hug me for a few moments. I couldn't help the tears streaming down my face. When I was in her shoes, I had Conner there for me. To pull me back from my edge; it's only fair that I provide the same for her.

I pull away and she sniffles lightly.

"Alright, no more tears, okay?" I say.

She nods and we both wipe away our tears. We get out of the car and she slides her hand into mine. She kept a tight grip the entire time we walked toward the hospital.

We took the elevator to the floor where Bobby was. She squeezes my hand and I look down to see Naomi looking up at me with scared eyes. I caress the back of her hand with my thumb and the elevator door dings before it opens.

She wraps her arms around my thigh as she sees Mom and Dad waiting for her outside of Bobby's room.

"Hey there sweetie." Mom says as she crouches down.

She motions for Naomi to give her a hug and Naomi hesitates.

"Come here," Mom says.

Naomi shakes her head no and hides behind me. Dad clears his throat before saying:

"You listen to your mother, Naomi."

Naomi looks at me and I look down at her, not giving her a single signal to move in the slightest.

"Either you come over her now, or you'll regret it later." Dad says.

Naomi whimpers before running towards Mom out of fear. Mom engulfed her in a hug and kissed her temple. I glare at her and she pulls away.

"Ooh, that's a cute jacket you got there. And so is this little bear. Looks like someone's been taking good care of you." Mom says, glancing at me.

Naomi looks at me and runs into my arms. She jumps up and wraps her arms around my neck. I carry her and Dad says:

"Looks like someone grew attached."

"Well what did you expect? She's my little sister." I say matter-of-factly.

"Dr. Pierce says that Bobby is cleared and that he can leave tonight." Mom says.

"Isn't that great?" She adds.

"Not exactly the word I would use." I say.

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