Tough Decisions -Requested-

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A/N: request for @ErinRae1029

"Y/N please just calm down," "Calm down! George, you joined the army! That's— I don't want to be like those girlfriends who has to wonder if their boyfriends are going to make it home." "I can't deal with that emotional distress! Not after almost losing you before."

I walk out of the bedroom and scurry down the stairs. Hearing George behind me, the first thing I grab is a bottle of whiskey. "Y/N, listen to me. I'm not going to die over there." "You don't know that, George. You can barely throw a punch. How do you plan to shoot a gun?"

"I'm going to do what I have to, to survive. To come back to you." I shake my head and take a long swig of the whiskey. I have my back facing him and I feel his soft hand on my forearm. I pull away from him and say, "I refuse to support with this. You were climbing your way up the ranks. Just like Meredith and Alex."

"Why do you need to join the army?" "Because I want to help people!" He finally snaps. I guess all of my yelling finally got to him. "You're helping people as a doctor!" I say. "That's not what I want to be! That's not who I want to be."

"And you know what? If you're not going to support that, then I don't want you to be in my life."He pours himself a glass of whiskey before leaving. I close my eyes and rest my face into hands as softly cry to myself.

My hair fanned around my face and I feel a hand on my back, making me jump. "Hey, you okay?" Meredith asked. "Yeah, we heard you arguing with O'Malley. He's actually joining the army, huh?" Karev teases, earning a glare from Meredith.

"He's going to get hurt out there, I know it. But he won't listen to me." "He's just trying to find his passion, Y/N. And no matter how dangerous, it's even more dangerous of him thinking about the what if's, I should've or I could've." Karev says as he takes a swig of the whiskey.

"As much as I hate to say it, he's right." "Hey!" "If you truly love him, then you will stick by him no matter how stupid his decisions. Because if you don't, and you somehow convince him to stay, then he'll start to resent you." Meredith says.

"But what if he dies?" A few tears trail down my cheeks. "Then at least he'll die fighting for something. Which is better than what most men can say for themselves." "Since when did you become Yoda?" I say, wrapping my arms around his body.

He cups the back of my head and kiss my temple. Karev has always been like a big brother to me. And Meredith my big sister. I don't know what I would do without them. I don't know what I would do without George. "Since I became an attending."

Meredith rubs my back and I ask, "George left didn't he?" "Yeah, he didn't say where." Karev says, still holding me. "But he'll be back, Y/N." "I hope he does."


Sitting on our bed, I wait for George to come home. Meredith and Alex left to give us some space. I heard the door open and close gently. But no one says a word, not even me. Slow steps ascend up the stairs and George finally appeared in the doorway.

"I'm sorry," We say at the same time. We chuckle to ourselves. "I realize now that you were just trying to protect me." He starts. "And I realized that you were just trying to find your passion. I was just scared at what that would cost."

"Which is completely understandable. I.. don't want you to leave." His voice breaks for the first time. "I wasn't planning on leaving." I say. I stand from the bed and open my arms. He pulled me closer to him and squeezed me tight.

"All our five years of dating and we've never had an argument that big before." He says with a chuckle. "I know, that's why I was so scared that you would leave because that what—" "it's going to take a lot more than yelling at make me leave." "Then hopefully this won't change your mind."

He pulls away from me and open his underwear drawer to pull out a small, black box. "Oh my God," I watch as he goes down on one knee and smiles up at me. "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?" "I thought you were never ask." I say before placing the ring on my ring finger.

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