The Affair (2/5)

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"What about you drives the attendings crazy?" One of my intern friends says as he racks the balls for us to play pool.

"Medusa was like 'Oh Y/N, what a beautiful name'." He mocks in a high pitched tone.

"If you really want to be technical, the reason why Medusa likes me is because I actually have a quick enough brain to register what she was saying instead of standing there frozen under her gaze-"

"Her cold gaze, if I might add." He interrupts.

"What kind of wussy is scared of a 120 lbs woman?"

"A smart one, it's always the small ones that you need to be afraid of. I mean look at you," he teases.

My mouth gapes open when I realize the insult he embedded in his words. I throw peanuts at him as a spoke:

"Its not my fault (throw) that I didn't have  (throw) a growth spurt (throw) since middle school (throw)."

He catches a peanut and pops one in his mouth before he adds:

"Yeah okay, pip squeak."

I glare at him and say:

"I hate you."

Another intern comes back with a tray of shots.

"Guess who's back." She says as she sets the tray down on another table.

Both of them each down a shot. She hands me one and I politely decline. They both raise their eyebrows at me and I say:

"Who else is going to drive your drunk asses back home?"

"Ah look at you, Y/N, being a good and responsible friend." She compliments.

I roll my eyes at the fact that she is already getting buzzed.

"And that my friends, is why the attendings love me." I add with confidence.

"Speaking of attendings, Jackie Blue Eyes is here." She says.

"'Jackie Blue Eyes'? That is the most crappiest nickname that I've ever heard. You need to take a class or something." I say.

"I would totally tap that," She says, completely blowing off my previous statement.

"Okay first of all, why do you always think that ever attractive guy is up for a one night stand? And secondly what makes you think that he 'tapping material'? He's not that kind of person." I snark before downing a shot.

"Ooo, looks like somebody already claimed him. Alright, I'll back off of him, sticking to the sister code and all."

I roll my eyes at her and fixate my gaze on Jackson. He completely downs a shot of bourbon and orders three more rounds of them.

He runs his hand down his face and sighs in frustration. I notice a black duffel bag sitting by his feet, which means that either his wife kicked him out or he left his wife.

I found an urge to walk over and talk to him, so I did. I sit in the seat next to him and say:

"Rough night?"

Jackson's face grew more calm as he recognized me.

"More like a rough couple of months." He says with a chuckle.

"So I assume that you took my advice on taking a break?" I say motioning to the duffel bag.

"You made a good point." He says.

"You know, you're different from any other intern that I've ever met... You're more mature than I ever was." He adds.

"I've been told that more than once today, amongst other compliments. According to Dr. Grey, I have the reflexes and attitude of a trauma surgeon." I say.

"Well damn, and here I though that you would a great in Plastics. You have a calm, soothing voice that can effectively get a life changing message across without upsetting the patient." He says.

"I will fight Hunt for you, I'm the director of the Board." He adds.

"Now now, you going to have to share. As much as a girl loves having two guys fighting over her, I don't promote violence unless it is absolutely necessary." I say before taking his other shot and downing it.

He twists his body towards me as he extends his arm adored the edge of the bar.

"So you're a pacifist?" He asks.

"To an extent, yeah." I say.

Jackson gazes down at me with a smile and I seductively meet his gaze.


"Are you sure about this?" Jackson asks as he sets his duffel bag down in my living room.

"Yeah, I've always had an extra room for someone who needed someplace to stay. The only possible problem are my two Rottweilers: Sarah and Rose..." I trail off when I see his widen in fear.

"But they're nice, so you have nothing to worry about." I add.

"Okay," He says softly.

"Thank you, for doing this, really, you have a beautiful home." He adds.

"It's not a problem, I've always had an extra room in case someone needed a place to stay for whatever the reason." I say as I walk to the closet and pull out extra pillows and blankets.

"I go on morning jogs and night walks whenever I have the time. But I have no problem making you a breakfast sandwich before I leave." I add.

"Oh you don't have to do that," he says.

I hand him the pillows and blankets and say:

"I was raised to never let the guest cook if you invite them to stay over; and I intend on keeping that tenant."

"Good night, Dr. Avery." I add.

"Goodnight.. and please, call me Jackson." He says.

We stare into each other's eyes and none of us is breaking eye contact. The whines from my Rottweilers snap me out of my gaze and trot back to my room. A small smile tugs on my lips as I feel Jackson's gaze on me.

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