Meeting DeLuca (2/2)

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I sigh deeply as I rest my head on my locker. I rest my eyes for a little while and a trail of soft snore leaves my lips.

"Long shift?" A voice abruptly says, making me jolt awake.

My head slams on the corner of another locker and I immediately scream:

"Ow, son of a biscuit!"

I hiss and rub my forehead to feel the whelp forming under my skin.

"Whoa, you okay?" The voice asks.

I hum in response and slowly blink before looking up to meet DeLuca's light green eyes.

"I don't know anymore.." I say groggily.

"You feel alright? Do we need to admit you?" He asks frantically.

"No, I just.. I'm just really tired, and I don't think that I can drive myself home without falling asleep at the wheel." I explain.

"Then please don't drive home. You can just crash in an on-call room. Here, let me take you to the nearest one." He says.

I hear the words that he is saying and my mind is telling me to follow him, but my body stays put.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm just.. can't move my body. My body won't let me take another step anywhere. It wants to stay put and sleep, and frankly so do I." I say.

"Okay.. well, here." He says as he lifts me into his arms.

I slowly close my eyes and rest my head on his neck. His breathing has increased as he carries me.

"Is she okay?" I hear a voice say.

"Yes, she's just tired." DeLuca answers.

Soon after, I hear a door open and DeLuca lays me down on a mattress. I curl myself into a ball and he pulls the covers over me. I open my eyes long enough to see him pull away. I gently hold onto his hand and say:

"Wait.. can you please stay?"

"Sure.. if you want me to." He says.

He pulls off his lab coat and kicks off his shoes before lays under the covers next to me and tucks his arms beneath his head.

"Are you tired too?" I ask.



I hear soft snores leave his lips and I chuckle lightly. I rest my head on his chest and finally allow myself to go to sleep.


The sound of an alarm screeching in my ear causing me to awaken abruptly. I feel a weight on my back and a leg swung over mine. I felt the weight shifted a little and soon after, the alarm was silenced. The weight returned on my back and I felt DeLuca's button nose press into the back of my neck. I smile and look down to see his arm under mine with his hand resting on my stomach.

"What time is it, DeLuca?" I ask, with my voice still raspy.

"Uh.. ten thirty," he says against my neck.

"In the morning?"


My body spazzes and I jump off of the bed.

"You're saying that we've been in bed for more than ten hours and no came to wake us up?" I ask.

"Apparently not," He says.

"Then what was that alarm for?" I ask.

"Oh that wasn't an alarm, that was an annoying group chat that I am in." He says.

"Interns annoy me," He adds.

"Yeah, me too." I say with a small smile.

"But I cannot be in bed forever. Oh! And sorry for asking you to stay with me. That was kind of weird. I just thought that you were the only person that I considered as a friend and that I felt safe with so.." I add.

"I'm your friend?" He says with his eye lighting up.

"Yeah, I would think so.. right?" I say.

"Yeah, yeah.. totally." He reassures.

"And besides, you are really comfortable." I say, earning a chuckle from him.

"Well you're comfortable too," He says.

In this moment of silence, I examine him. His dark brow hair is ruffle and small strands of his hair rest on his forehead. He pulled off his light blue top, leaving his white tank top on. The whiteness of the tank top extenuates his muscles and his tan skin tone. His lips- God, those damn lips.

"I'll.. I should go check in with Bailey so I can go home and take a shower. But um.. thank you for helping me sleep." I say.

"Gladly," He says casually.

"Ah.. no more stumbling over your words huh? Where did the sudden confidence come from?" I ask.

"I slept with you," He says.

I arch my brow and he immediately knows what he said.

"Oh sh- I didn't mean it like that. Crap, this was going so well. I just means that.. that we slept in the same bed together so I am comfortable being around you now than before." He frantically explains.

"It's okay.. we're good." I say.

I slide on my shoes and lab clash before pull my hair into a high ponytail. I reach for the door and open it when I hear DeLuca say:

"mio Dio, sei così bello"
(My God, you are so beautiful)

I stop in the door way and look over my shoulder to say:

"Perché grazie, DeLuca. Sei sempre questa adulazione?"
(Why thank you, DeLuca. Are you always this flattery?)

His eyes widen and he says:

"oh mio Dio, parli italiano?!"
(Oh my God, you speak Italian?!)

"Si, ho studiato per otto anni. So che penso di aver capito." I explain.
(Yes, I have studied for eight years. So I think I got the hang of it.)

"Sei incredibile. sei così perfetto. Non ho mai incontrato qualcuno forte e talentuoso come te."
(You're amazing. You're perfect. I have never met someone as strong and talented as you before)

"smettila. Non mi piacciono i complimenti perché molta attenzione segue quei complimenti."
(Stop that. I don't like compliments because a lot of attention follow those compliments)

"ah, quindi sei umile?" he says as he stands from the bed.
(Ah, so you're humble?)

"non sarei umile se dicessi di sì." I say with a small smile.
(I wouldn't be humble if I said yes)

He shakes his head to himself and bit his lip. He looks to me as if he was contemplating to do something. He approaches me and closes the door with me inside. He pushes me against the door and I could feel his breath on my lips.

I grab the back of his neck and press a firm kiss on his. He leans my head against the door with every kiss. I pull away momentarily for a breath and he presses another kiss onto my lips. My hands find their way into his thick, dark brown hair. He lifts me up by my thighs and wraps my legs around his waist.

I pull away from him and press my fingertips to his smooth lips.

"Almeno portami fuori a cena prima, DeLuca." I say.
(At least take me out to dinner first, DeLuca.)

"chiamami Matthew," he says before pressing one final kiss on my lips.
(Call me, Matthew.)

"Go home. Take your shower. Come back and we'll talk about that date. Sounds like a deal?" He says.

"Of course," I say.


With that, he opened the door for me and allowed me to walk through the door.

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