Why Me? (2/3)

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I tuck my hair behind my ears and give her a respectful nod before I walk through the door.

"Hey Y/N, can you-"

"Not now, Dr. Karev." I say as I walk right passed him.

"Ok-ay then." He says.

I nearly sprint through the halls to my foster Mom's room. She is in the middle of reading One of Us is Lying when I walk into the room. She looks up from the book and meets my gaze. She gasps before she says:


She has a sparkle of happiness in them. The sparkle she had in her eyes, when the foster system landed me in her house. She didn't care if I was seven years old and damaged. She didn't care that I had bumps and bruises from the previous foster family I had. She didn't care that I treated her like crap the first few months or that I had a defensive personality. She accepted me and all of my flaws and weaknesses.

She made- she makes me feel like I can do anything. I was broken and she put back all of the pieces. She taught me what love and compassion should feel like.

"Mommy," I say as I run into her arms.

She slides over to make room for me, and I happily lay next to her.

"Hey baby, how have you been?" She asks as she rests my head on her chest.

I inhale the familiar scent of Dove and lemon. I look up at her notice the small changes about her. She has deeper stress wrinkles in between the her eyebrows and around her lips; which indicates that she has been frowning a lot.

She has another set of stress wrinkles around the eyes, which means that she has been straining her eyes from squint too much. Her mocha colored skin is starting to losing its glow as well as her beautiful light blue eyes that are losing its shine.

"Mom," I start.

"Oh, I know that tone. That the tone I see to use when you were in trouble." She states.

"I told you even before I left, to go to the eye doctor." I say.

"I know, I know.. I've just been so... busy. Ever since you have been gone, all of my plans and events are chaotic and intertwined with each other. My life was so much easier when you were keeping me on track.. You are the perfect child that every parent could wish for. You are obedient, diligent, ambidextrous, talented and beyond intelligent. You managed to balance school, your grades, your after school clubs and my weekly plans. What you naturally do, some people take classes for. Whenever I meet another doctor, I always compare them to you. I would interrogate them to the point where they question their own intelligence. And I know it's bad, I know.. but it's a habit. You're my perfect baby girl." She states.

I inhale sharply as a tears slides down my cheek.

"But what.. what about Matt? Isn't he still around?" I ask.

"That's partially the reason why I'm so worried all of the time. He's...he's incarcerated."

"What?" I say.

"Incarcerated? For what?"

"Drug dealing."

"Oh for the love of-He's an idiot." I say.


"It's true, Mom.. He's never been there to support you. He was always getting into trouble, his grades were terrible. He didn't even care about you, all he cares about was having a roof to live under and the food and the video games- oh don't you even get me started on the video games-"

"Y/N, you were just as disobedient as he was went we first got you."

"I was vulnerable and hurt and traumatized.. but I finally realized that you weren't out to get me like he was. Matt was given multiple chances to show that he isn't the cold, emotionless boy that we - that I pegged him to be. And he didn't, he didn't prove himself. When you tested my loyalty and faith, and I proved myself; I passed the test. Why can he do the same?"

"Oh Y/F/N.." she starts as she holds the right side of my face.

"Your heart was always too big for this teeny tiny world. You didn't let your life experience dictate your successes in life." She adds.

I sniffle before I say:

"How.. far along are you?"

"I have stage four lung cancer." She admits.

"No, no, no, Mommy." I say.

"I know baby, I-"

"How long have you had it?"

"About a year before I adopted you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I say with a strained voice.

"Ms. Y/L/N?"

"Yes?" Mom and I say in unison.

We exchange a look before returning our gaze back to the doctor, who happens to be Meredith Grey.

"Y/N, we understand that you are worried p, but I need to ask you to leave the room while I-" she starts.

"No.' I interrupt.

"Y/F/N-" Mom starts.

"Nope, I'm not going anywhere. She is my world Dr. Grey. She is the one that taught me everything that i know. She's the mother that I never had and she is the woman who molds the person I am today. So I am going to stay here and wait until you finish examine her. I'm not here to critique your skills as a doctor, but I am not leaving my mother's health at the hands of any doctor."

"Foster mother," Grey corrects.

"Excuse me?" I say with a hint of defensiveness in my voice.

"She's your foster mother, she's not your real mother, which means that you are not her blood relative. Which also means that you don't have any right to be in here. Influential or not, you have to wait outside just like anybody else who isn't her family." She explains.

I narrow my eyes at her as I stand from the bed.

"Oh I am going to kill you, you insensitive bitch. I don't care if you are Derek Sheppard's wife, I will still punch you in  your face right here, right now! Get the hell a way from my mother." I snap at her.

"Y/N, I'm sorry-"

"No! You call me Dr. Y/L/N. You've lost the right to call me Y/N, you backstabbing bitch! I want a new doctor. Give me a new doctor, because if I am still in a room with you, I will hurt you. I will punch in your perfect white teeth. This isn't just some patient, this is my mother. She may not be my blood, but I sure as hell am loyal to her than they ever were. And I am not just some patient's family, okay? I'm your colleague." I rant.

"This is my Mom... and before I was crying in the supply closet, having a panic attack. But now, I'm angry and protective because this is my Mom... Don't make me turn on you for her, because I will if I have to.. I will do it for her." I say with my voice cracking.

A single tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe it away. Meredith sighs in defeat before she says:

"I'll get you another doctor."

I clear my throat before I say:

"Thank you."

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