From the moment I met Castiel I could see his wings. At first I thought nothing of it, until I read in a book that only the soulmate of a angel could see their wings. After reading that I made sure to keep my eyes away from his black wings. I made sure I wasn't even looking at him so I wasn't tempted to stare at them.
"Hey (y/n) do you have a problem with Cas?" Dean asked softly.
"No, why do you ask?" I asked confused.
"Well you never look at him and you always seem to not want to be around him." Dean said with a frown.
"Okay I'm gonna let you in on a secret.... I can see Cas' wings.... I read a book that said the only people who can see angel's wings are their soulmates." I explained.
"So you don't want him to know." Dean said with a laugh.
"Exactly." I said standing up.
"If you can see them..... can you touch them?" Dean asked confused.
"I.... I actually don't know." I said putting my book up.
"Hey.... I double dog dare you to try and touch his wings." Dean said with a smile.
"I hate you." I said glaring at him.
He smiled as I left to see if I could "accidentally" bump into Cas and touch his wings. When I found Cas he was looking out the window. I groaned as I realized the only way I could touch his wings was if I was on Cas or I fell and he caught me. I smiled as I started to walk past Cas and I "tripped" falling into his arms. I felt my hand brush against his wings and I gasped as I felt how soft they were.
"Are you alright (y/n)?" Cas asked holding me in his arms.
"Ummm.... I'm.... I'm fine." I said standing up straight.
"Are you sure?" He asked softly.
"Yea.... I'm.... I'm sure." I said moving away from him.
I took a step back and started to fall backwards. Cas grabbed me and pulled me into him, making my hands touch his wings once more. He looked at me shocked as he moved his face to look at my hand. I moved it away and looked away from him.
"Can you... can you see my wings?" Cas asked looking down at me.
"What? No I... what makes you think I can see your wings?" I asked moving away from him.
"Because you can touch them. No mortal being can touch the wings of an angel unless they can see them." Cas said looking down at me.
"Well I don't know what your talking about cause I can't... I can't touch your wings." I said turning away from him.
Cas watched as I walked out of the room and I groaned as I went to find Sam and Dean.
"I hate you." I said glaring at Dean.
He laughed and then smiled at me.
"I have a question.... what color are Cas' wings?" Dean asked with a smile.
"They are black... why do you want to know?" I asked confused.
"Curious... oh hi Cas." Dean said looking behind me.
I turned to see Cas looking at me. I froze as Dean smiled and then stood up.
"Sam we gotta get groceries. Come with me." He said with a smirk.
"Why- oh yea let's go." Sam said standing up and leaving with Dean.
"I hate you both." I mouthed glaring at them.
"You lied to me." Cas said after they left.
"I have no idea what your talking about." I said acting innocent.
"You said you couldn't see my wings. If you can't see them how do you know what color they are?" He asked looking down at me.
"Lucky guess?"
He grabbed my hand and put it on his wing. I gasped as I felt how soft they were. He looked at me and I let out a sigh.
"Fine! Okay I can see your wings!" I exclaimed pulling my hand away.
"Why lie?" He asked looking down at me.
"Cause I read in a book about what it means if you see the wings of a angel, and I sort of.... thought that I didn't deserve you." I said looking away.
"Why would you think that?" He asked forcing me to look at him.
"I'm human and you are a angel... Cas you are one of the most kindest and sweetest person I have ever met.... and I'm... me." I said sadly.
"Yes you are you... you are the most beautiful and kindest woman I have ever met. When I came here you were so nice and unafraid of me.... I am the one who doesn't deserve you." He said smiling down at me gently.
I smiled as I leaned up and gently kissed him.
"I'm confused..... what was that?" He asked pulling away.
"A kiss. People kiss to show that they have feelings for another." I said smiling at him.
"I understand." He said leaning down and kissing me.
"Finally!" Dean yelled from the window.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More