"You don't have kids! How would you know how I should treat my son?!" Crowley asked angrily.
I felt my heart drop and I bit my lip as I shook my head. Crowley's eyes met mine and I sent him a look before turning and walking out of the room.
"Bollocks." Crowley groaned out as he followed behind me.
I kept walking until I made it to my bedroom and I slammed the door.
"(Y/n)! Darling please open the door!" He yelled.
I laid back on the bed and crossed my arms over my chest. I heard him continue to bang on the door and the after awhile it stopped. When a hour passed and I heard no noise I stood up and walked to the door and opened it slowly. I frowned as I saw Crowley leaning against the wall with his back against it.
"Get up. You will get a crick in your neck and I'm not in the mood to hear you complain." I said calmly.
He looked up and me and slowly stood up.
"Darling I-"
"Save it.... let's just go to bed." I said as I turned and walked back inside the room.
I laid back down on our shared bed and watched as he laid beside me. He laid his head on my shoulder and pulled me close to him.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I know." I said as I kept looking at the wall.
"I'm sorry about what I said.... darling you know I didn't mean that... it's just... Gavin is a tough subject and I've never been a great father to him." He said as he let out a sigh.
I turned to look at him and met his eyes.
"I know.... I just.... Crowley I hate not getting to know what it is to be a mother.... I see all these woman with their children... and I want that.... I want it so badly that it kills me." I said as I snuggled into his chest.
"Then let's have that.... what do you say? Let's have a baby." He said with a smile.
"Are you serious?" I asked shocked.
"One hundred percent." He whispered as he gently kissed me.
"Why did I agree to kids?" Crowley asked as our five year old daughter jumped up and down in his lap.
"Because you love me." I said as I rocked our son to sleep.
"I must to deal with these demons." He said with a smile.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More