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It had been a year since god left and now me and my brothers where stuck with Lucifer. Being the devil he wasn't as bad as I thought he would be. He had his rough times, but he made up for them in the end. The boys needed to get groceries for the bunker so Lucifer took me to get some.

"So this grocery shopping, how does it work?" Lucifer asked as we got into the store.

"Alright. You find something you like and put it into a cart. After you find everything you want you go and pay for it at the cash register. Also no opening anything until you get home." I explained softly.

"Alright. So.... I can put anything in the cart?"

"Yes as long as it isn't to expensive." I said as we made it into the store.

After getting everything we needed and a few others we made it out of the store and started to walk towards my car.

"I thought I knew that car." A voice behind me said.

I turned to see (E/N) walking towards me. I felt my body stiffen and Lucifer looked at me confused.

"So this is who you chose over me? Cmon, (y/n), you could do so much better." (E/n) said with a laugh.

"Who are you again?" Lucifer asked annoyed.

"(E/n), her amazing ex. The one she left for no reason." He said glaring at me.

"No reason! You kept me away from my brothers! My friends! You controlled everything I did!" I snapped angrily.

(E/n) made a move to hit me but his hand was caught by Lucifer.

"Listen to me and listen carefully if you ever, and I mean ever come near (Y/n) again.. I'll send you to hell early." Lucifer said as he squeezed (E/n) hand.

"Hey let go!" (E/n) snapped as he tried to pull away.

Lucifer let go and (E/n) fell to the ground in shock, he quickly stood up and ran back to his car. Lucifer turned to look at me and I felt my whole body start to shake.

"He is gone. You are alright." Lucifer said as he gently grabbed my hand.

He pulled me into a hug and I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes.

"It's alright. I won't let him hurt you." He whispered.

"Thank you..... lets go home." I said as I pulled away from him and got into the car.

He followed behind me and I started to car up and backed out of the parking lot. Half way down the road I heard Lucifer let out a sigh.

"I should have killed him." Lucifer said softly.

"Why didn't you? Not that I wanted you to but, he did insult you and normally you kill the people that insult you." I said looking at him from the corner of my eye.

"Well, at first I didn't know if he was a friend to you or not. After seeing him raise his hand I was very close to killing him there, but I didn't think you would want me to." He said looking over at me.

"I didn't, I mean apart of me did, but I knew it wouldn't be right.... so thank you." I said with a smile.

"So what did he mean by this is the guy you chose over me?" Lucifer asked with a smile.

"The last time he tried to get back with me I told him I was with someone else and I was happy." I said with a laugh.

"So he taught I was dating you?"

"Yep. Funny right? You an angel of the lord dating me, a low life human." I said with a smile.

"I don't see how you are a low life human. I mean out of every human I have ever met.... yo hate the kindest and.. most beautiful of them all. Inside and out." He said with a smile.

"Aww Satin has a heart." I said with a laugh.

"Yes and you stole it." He said softly.

I looked at him shocked as I stopped the car. He looked at me confused.

"Why did you stop the car?" He asked confused.

"What do you mean by I stole your heart?" I asked softly.

"I mean that I care for you.... more so than anyone alive." He said with a smile.

"So you.... like me?" I asked bitting my lip.

"No." He said looking down at me.


"I love you." He said cutting me off.

"You love me? Me? Are you sure you have a brain?" I asked shocked.

"Yes I love you. And yes I have a brain and a heart and both of them tell me I love you. Have since we first met." He said softly.

"I thought you hated me back them."

"No. I tried keeping you safe from my demons without them knowing. Unlike your brothers, you didn't insult me once in the time I was your enemy..... you tried to save me and in a way you did."


"You never gave up on me and when my father came back.... you stood beside me instead of him."

"Well you didn't have anyone else to stand beside you.... so I thought you might need a friend." I said as I started to drive again.

"I did..... and you became that friend.... and so much more."

I looked straight ahead and continued to drive until I saw the bunker.

"If I said that.... I loved you back.... what would be your response." I asked after I pulled into the bunker.

"I'd most likely get my wings back because of how happy I would be." He said with a smile.

I laughed as I shook my head and turned to look at him.

"Lucifer even though yo hate the devil and tried to kill my brothers.... I love you." I said with a smile.

He smiled down at me as he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against mine. I let out a sigh as I pulled him closer and ran my fingers through his hair.

"What the hell!" A voice yelled.

We pulled away to see Dean and Sam looking at us shocked.

"What? Haven't you seen a guy kiss the love of his life?" Lucifer asked with a smirk.

I shook my head as Dean started to go on a rant about how "this" wasn't happening.

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