I let out a groan as I rubbed my shoulder and followed Dean and Sam to the car.
"I hate dragons." I said as I shook my head.
"Same... I'm happy we were able to find you and kill the dragon before anything happen." Sam said softly.
"Wait a minute, you were alone in there for hours, why didn't he try something with you?" Dean asked as he leaned back in his car seat.
"Because dragons only search for virgins, Dean." I said as I held a smile in.
"... Say that again?" Dean said as he and Sam turned to look at me.
"I'm over twenty, so don't go over protective mod on me, and it was with someone I trust.... and have been dating for awhile." I said as I bit my lip.
"Who?" Dean asked angrily.
"Dean calm down..... Now.....who did you sleep with!" Sam asked sternly.
"I plead the fifth." I said as I moved back away from them.
"Do we know them?" Sam asked calmly.
"Is it.... a hunter?"
"In a way." I said with a smile.
"Who is it!" Dean snapped.
My phone went off and I pulled it out. On the screen were the words lover boy. Dean quickly grabbed the phone and answered it.
"Who is this?" He asked angrily.
"Cas! You're sleeping with Cas!" Dean asked angrily.
I sent them a smile and Dean started the car.
"We will talk about this later." He said as he hung up in Cas.
"Cas please don't be home." I prayed.
We made it home and I saw Cas sitting on the couch.
"Why did dean answer your phone?" He asked calmly.
"You slept with my baby sister!" Dean yelled angrily.
Before dean could move to punch him Sam had him pinned to the ground.
"Sam.. I can't!.....Breath!" Cas gasped out.
"Sam let him go!" I yelled as I pulled my brother off of him.
"Are you okay?" I asked as o helped Cas up.
"How do they know about that?" He asked calmly.
"Saw your name... okay guys we have been dating for over a year now... and at least it's Cas I slept with... I mean he is an angel."
"That means nothing." Dean said calmly.
"Dean if I was to hurt (Y/n) she would smite me.... trust me she has the blade to do it." Cas said as he looked at the ground and held his throat.
"Fine, but no more sex unless there is a ring on that finger." Sam said angrily.
I looked at Cas and shook my head no.
"But... there is a ring in her finger." He said as he looked at the confused.
I smacked myself in the face and saw Dean glare at Cas.
"... what was that?" Dean asked slowly.
"We got engaged... last month." Cas said softly.
"Surprise!" I said as I sent them a innocent smile.
"I'm gonna kill him." Dean growled as he tackled Cas.
I let out a sigh as I was forced to put Dean off of Cas.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More