"I mean I'm not the only one here who isn't a virgin... right (Y/n)?" Claire asked with a smirk.
I heard my dad and uncle chock on their beers and then they turned to look at me. I saw a dark look in my father's eyes and I bit my lip.
"You have something you wanna tell us?" Dad asked angrily.
"I'm not a virgin.... anymore." I said as I bit my lip.
"Who?" Uncle Sam asked angrily.
"If I tell you... swear no murder." I said softly.
"I am not swearing anything. Who did you sleep with!" Dad asked angrily.
"I didn't know who he was at first... I just thought he was super hot... I was drunk... we didn't plan it." I said quickly.
"You where drunk!"
"Oh come on I'm 22!"
"Who was it!"
"It was Chuck!" I yelped out.
"You... has sex with God!"
"To be fair.. so didn't know he was god until after." I said softly.
"Wow... but would it still make up you virgin since it was god?" Claire asked softly.
"I have no idea." I said softly.
I watched as Dad pulled his phone out a dialed a number.
"Get your ass here now!" He growled into the phone.
"Something wrong?" A voice asked.
"Hi Chuck." Sam said with a frown.
"You screwed my daughter!" Dean yelled as he pushed him against the wall.
"Okay! Okay! First thing... I didn't know she was your kid... I was a little drunk and so was she... we have already talked about it." Chuck said softly.
"You are god! How the hell don't you know she is my kid!"
"Cause I was drunk! Look I'm sorry!"
"Okay enough! Let him go!" I yelled as I pulled as off of him.
"Thank you." Chuck said softly.
"You two...... yo aren't dating are you?" Dad asked angrily.
"Of course not! He is older then you!"
"I'm older then everyone... I'm god." Chuck said softly.
"Not helping." I whispered.
"Okay... Dean we are going to go and get drinks... and let you cool off." Sam said as he dragged Dean it of the house.
"No screwing!" Dean yelled angrily.
"That was close." Chuck said softly.
"So you and god.... lucky." Claire said with a smile.
"Fuck You." I said as Chuck snapped his fingers and we disappeared.
I let out a groan as I plopped down on the bed and glared at the ceiling.
"So what made you say you were drunk?" He asked as he set beside me.
"Hey dad I had sec with god... yes it was willingly we have been secretly dating... how would he react?"
"He would shoot me."
"Exactly... now come here." I said as I grabbed him and pulled him into a deep kiss.
He let out a chuckle and sent me a smile as he kissed me deeply.
Uncle Sam! Is callin!
I let out a groan and pulled my phone out.
"What is it Uncle Sammy?" I asked softly.
"Tell Chuck to get off of you. No more sex or I will end him. I know you lied to Dean." He said calmly.
"Damn it... look we have been dating for over a year now..... I wouldn't be sleeping with him if I didn't love him." I said softly.
"Fine... just don't tell Claire... or me. If Dean finds out... he will kill us both." He said as he hung up.
"So you love me?" Chuck asked with a smile.
"I wouldn't be with you if I didn't." I said with a smile.
He let out a laugh and leaned down and gently kissed me.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More