I held my breath as I kept Dean pinned to the wall with a knife against his neck.
"Do it." He whispered.
"I don't want to kill you, Dean." I said softly.
"You couldn't even of you tried.... your nothing but a little girl... a little girl who let the people she loves die."
"Shut up."
"First daddy... then mommy, and finally you're baby sister... you couldn't keep someone alive if you tried."
"That isn't my Dean talking." I whispered.
"I'm a lot of things but I'm not yours... think I didn't know about your little crush on me? Think I didn't know that you love me? Well I do and I think it's disgusting.... why would I want someone as broken as you?"
I punched him in the face and he let out a laugh as he tripped me and pinned me to the ground with the knife to my neck.
"I could kill you... I really could, and I wouldn't lose any sleep over it... you want to know why?" He asked as he put his lips to my ear.
"Why?" I asked as I kept his hand up.
"Because I don't love you." He whispered.
Soon he was pulled off of me and knocked out. I let out a sigh as I stage don the floor and looked up at Sam.
"You okay?" He asked softly.
"No, but I will be when we fix your brother." I said softly.
He nodded his head and I helped him drag Dean away. Soon they finished and I was bandaged up. I had a cut on my neck and a few cuts and bruises on my arms and chest. I heard a knock on my door and looked up at it.
"Come in!" I yelled as I rubbed my back.
"Hey." Dean said as he walked into the room.
"How do you feel?" I asked as I looked up at him.
"Okay.... I remember everything I said... to you... and I want you to know I didn't mean any of that... I do care about you... a lot." He said softly.
"I know, I'm like a sister to you." I said with a small smile.
"If you where my sister I would definitely be going to hell." He said softly.
"I don't see you as a sister, hell I don't think I ever have.... (y/n)..... I'm in love with you... always have been." He said softly.
"You love me?" I asked shocked.
He nodded his head and I smiled softly.
"Yea.... and if you died.... that would destroy me... because I love you more then I have ever loved anyone." He said softly.
"I love you too... have since we met." I said with a smile.
I stood up and walked up to him and he watched my every move. I gently wrapped my arm around his neck and leaned up and kissed him gently. He hummed into the kiss and pulled me closer to him.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More