"How could you be so stupid!" I yelled as Sam looked away from me.
"Come on how was I suppose to know that killing Lilith would release the devil from hell!" He snapped looking at me.
"Me and Dean tried to stop you! But no you had to listen to Ruby! I told you she was using you! I told you over and over! And you didn't believe me!"
"Come on it's not my fault! You act like you haven't screwed up!" He yelled looking at me.
"I didn't let Satan out of his cage!"
"Yea and I didn't kill my brother!" He snapped angrily.
I looked at him shocked and then saw his face soften up.
"(Y/n) I didn't.... I swear I didn't mean that." He said calmly.
I backed away from him and ran away from him. I ran outside into the rain and kept running until I felt a hand turn me around quickly and lips pressed against mine. I gasped as I saw Sam kissing me. I sighed as he pulled me close and kept kissing me deeply. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.
"Please..... I love you and I don't want to lose you." He breathed out.
"I know Sam.... I love you too." I said hugging him.
"Next time I'll listen to you and not to a demon...... I promise I won't ever push you away again." He said rocking me back and forth.
"If you do.... I won't come back. I'll be gone forever." I whispered as he kissed my forehead.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More