I glared at my boyfriend of two years and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Okay, first of all, this gift? Super cute." He said pointing to his face.
"Cute or not, you don't have to be a jerk like this ! For God sake, write something or spend a little of your free time with your girlfriend, idiot!" I snapped angrily.
"I'm a writer! I can't spend all my time with you!"
"You don't spend anytime with me! You spend it writing about fictional characters! Why I'm with you I'll never know!"
"Then leave!"
"Fine! I will!" I yelled as I grabbed my bag.
I slammed the door and walked out of the house and to my car.
"That dick! Two years! I give him two years of my life and he picks writing over me! You know what! Fuck you Chuck!" I yelled as I slammed my car door and drove off.
Inside chucks house
"Fuck you Chuck!" (Y/n) yelled.
"She'll be back." Chuck said as he plopped down on his couch.
A couple years later
I never thought that the things Chuck wrote about where real, but then one day two men named Sam and Dean Winchester came to my house and stopped a ghost from killing me. After that I moved in with them and tried to live my life. I never heard from Chuck again and from the way the boys talked... they thought he was dead, and then he of course came back and I learned I had been dating god for two years before our break up.
"God... wait he is god! Are you kidding me!" I yelled angrily
"You don't like him either?" Lucifer asked calmly.
"That lying bastard! Two years you date a guy and he doesn't tell you he is the creator of life! That is something you tell someone! You see that's why we broke up! Because he is a lying bastard who only thinks about himself!" I yelled angrily.
"I can hear you!" Chuck yelled.
"Good!" I yelled as I plopped down beside Lucifer.
"Okay I never lied." Chuck said as he walked into her room.
"Lucifer you are the devil, right? So not telling someone who you really are... is lying right?" I asked calmly.
"Yea I'd say it is lying." Lucifer said calmly.
"You never asked!" Chuck exclaimed.
"Who asks if someone is god!"
"I get the feeling you guys yelled at each other a lot." Dean said calmly.
"Yea! We did which is why we didn't work out!" I snapped.
"N owe didn't work out because you are needy!" Chuck snapped.
"Needy! I'm sorry mister my sandwich has me cut in triangles or I can't eat them! All I asked was for you to spend more time with me! But no writing is your life!" I yelled angrily.
"I like her." Lucifer said with a smirk.
"Shut up!" Chuck yelled.
"Don't tell him to shut up! You don't have any right to say that after you locked him in a cage! What type of father does that!"
He glared at me and I heard Sam clear his throat.
"Maybe you two... should talk in private." He said softly.
"Great idea." Chuck said before he snapped his fingers.
The room changed and I growled as I saw we where at his old house.
"Bastard." I said angrily.
"One... you don't get to criticize me on how I raise my children! Lucifer has to be put away or he would of destroyed everything I made!"
"How do you know that! Maybe if you would of given your children love they wouldn't be planning to destroy us!"
"You don't know anything you're just a woman!"
"And you created me so what does that mean!"
"That means I made a mistake!"
"A mistake.... good to know that god himself sees me as a mistake." I said as I turned to walk away.
I felt a hand on my arm and I was turned around. I met Chuck's eyes and he let out a sigh as he whipped my tears away.
"I'm sorry.... I didn't mean that... I... I can't think right when I'm around you.... I wasn't suppose.. I wasn't suppose to love you but I do." He said softly.
"You love me?"
"Always have.... and not as god... I love you as Chuck.... you mean the world to me... and I wish I could take away all the pain you have, but I can't." He said as he gently touched my face.
I looked down and he forced me to meet his eyes. I bit my lip and he soon leaned down and gently kissed me.
"No more fighting... please." He whispered.
I nodded my head and pulled him into another kiss.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More