I smiled as I set beside Dean at the house and flipped through the channels. I heard a knock on the door and moved to get up.
"I got it." Dean said as he stood up.
I smiled as he walked to the door and opened it.
"Can I help you?" He asked calmly.
"Is (Y/n) here?" A voice asked.
"Yea, who are you?"
"(E/n)(Ex's name) and you are?"
"Dean, her boyfriend." Dean said angrily.
I stood up and walked up to the door. Dean put his arm around me protectively and I sent (E/n) a smile.
"What are you doing here?" I asked sweetly.
"I was coming to see how you were, but I guess you are good... sorry to intrude." He said as he turned and walked away.
"So you are my boyfriend?" I asked as I sent Dean a smile.
"Damn right I am." He said as he shut the door and walked over to the couch.
I let out a sigh as I set on my couch and flipped through the pages of my book. I had ten minutes until Sam got home and I could finally get some much needed sleep. I heard a knock on my door and smiled as I stood up and opened it.
"Forget your key again- (E/n) what are you doing here?" I asked shocked.
"I came to talk to you." He said softly.
"Come in." I said as I opened the door.
He walked in and we talked for awhile. Soon the front door opened and I turned to see Sam walk in.
"Hey Sweetheart, Sorry it took me so long- who is this?" Sam asked softly.
"This is my ex (E/n)." I said softly.
"Oh... I'm Sam, her boyfriend." Sam said as (E/n) shook his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you. She talks highly of you. I just came to invite her to my wife's baby shower." He said softly.
"Yea I can't make it but I will get her a gift, give her my love." I said with a smile.
"Of course, good seeing you." He said as he walked out of the house.
"You guys are friends?" Sam asked shocked.
"We ended on good terms.... now... I'm your girlfriend?" I asked playfully.
He sent me a smile and shook his head.
"Balthazar this is (Y/n)." Cas said as he introduced me to him.
"We know each other... hello again Beautiful." Balthazar said with a smirk.
"Balthazar." I said calmly.
"You know each other?" Cas asked confused.
"We use to be lovers." Balthazar explained.
"Only lasted a week." I said calmly.
"Want to go upstairs and remember that lovely week?"
"Sorry but she is already taken." Cas said as he pulled me against him.
"Oh... you and Cas... how cute... did you manage to get that stick out of his-"
"Balthazar, I You don't mind I would like to go upstairs and have fun with my boyfriend." I said as I grabbed Cas' hand and dragged him upstairs.

Supernatural imagines
Hayran KurguImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More