The moment I saw Dean Winchester's name pop up on my screen I knew that Sam didn't know he was calling. I especially knew he didn't know when Dean said Sam asked for me to come help with a kid named Jack. So why did I go to the bunker, to piss him off.
"Thank you for coming." Dean said as he led me around the bunker.
"So.... Sam doesn't know I'm here yet.. does he?" I asked with a smirk.
We soon made it into the hallway and I saw a woman with blonde hair and a kid beside her. Behind the woman stood my ex lover and friend, Sam Winchester. He quickly pushed past them and raised his hand to hit me, but was stopped when Dean grabbed him.
"Hey I called her!" Dean yelled as he held him back.
"Why did you call (Y/n)? ! Trust isn't an option with that kind of person!" Sam yelled.
"Stop it Sammy!" Dean yelled.
"Let him be, he never listened, why would he stop beign stubborn and bitter now?" I asked calmly.
"And you, don't provoke him!" Dean ordered.
"I'm sorry who is this?" The woman asked calmly.
"Mary meet (Y/n) (L/n).... she is a no good backstabbing traitor who likes to keep secrets from people." Sam said angrily.
"Seriously! If I had told you I was Crowley's sister you would of killed me! I did what I had to do I could protect myself!" I yelled angrily.
"Okay enough! Now she is here to help us with Jack.... Sam she might be our only chance of finding Rowena." Dean said softly.
"Fine, but she stays away from me." He said as he turned and walked away.
"Okay... that went well." Dean said as he shook his head.
"Let's find Rowena so I can leave." I said as I turned and went into the kitchen.
I started the spell and let out a sigh as she didn't answer.
"This bitch better not test me." I whispered.
I tried it again and finally I got an answer.
"(Y/n)! I'm so happy to see you dear." Rowena said softly.
"Mother, Help the Winchester's." I ordered.
"Why? After what that devil did to you.... Sam Winchester should die."
"Enough! Help them or I swear I will burn you and the bring you back and burn you again until you help them." I growled out.
"Fine.... but only because you asked nicely." She said sternly.
I followed behind her and watched as she tried to help Jack. Sam soon came in and I stayed away from him.
"So... has my dear daughter told you yet?" Rowena asked as she looked through her book.
"Told us what?" Dean asked confused.
"Oh my.... you haven't told them." She said with a smile.
"Shut up." I growled out.
"No, tell us... what is she keeping from us this time?" Sam asked angrily.
"She is dying.... only thing that can save her is.... well you." Rowena said with a smirk.
"What is she talking about?" Sam asked as he looked at me.
"It's nothing." I said softly.
"Tell me now."
"It isn't important."
He grabbed my hand and before Dean could say anything he dragged me out of the room and to his bedroom.
"Tell me now or I swear I will make you regret it." He growled out.
"I did a protection charm... on you.... if... let's say you were to die.... or get injured.... it... well the injury would go to me... it wouldn't kill me only give me the pain." I said softly.
"How long has this charm been on you?"
"Since we started dating."
"You have had that charm on me for five years! (Y/n) do you know what I've went through!" He asked angrily.
I looked at the ground and he forced me to look at him.
"Take it away!" He ordered.
"Can't... or all the pain you have went through... would go back to you."
"How do you make it go away... the pain?"
"A kiss.... but not any kiss... it has to be... well it has to be a kiss from that person and they both have to love each other.... but you don't love me so it won't work." I said as I looked away from him.
"Who said I didn't love you?" He asked softly.
I turned to look at him shocked and was stopped by him pulling me into a deep kiss. I let out a gasp as I slowly felt the pain disappear. He pulled me closer to him and I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled apart and I looked up at him.
"I thought you hated me." I whispered.
"I could never hate you..... no matter how mad I am... I only hate myself." He said as he kissed my forehead.
I hugged him tightly and snuggled into his chest as he held me against him.

Supernatural imagines
Hayran KurguImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More