I let out a sigh as I woke up and saw that the alarm was about to go off. I turned it off and smiled as I rolled over and saw Sam fast asleep. I set up and gently pecked his lips before climbing out of bed and walking down stairs.
"Morning." Dean said as I passed him.
"Sleep well?" I asked as I grabbed a carton of eggs.
"As good as I can. Sammy still asleep?"
"Yea, thought I would let him sleep in." I said with a smile.
He nodded his head and I quickly started on breakfast. I smiled as Jack walked into the kitchen and sent me a nod of his head.
"Morning Jack, how did you sleep?" I asked softly.
"I.. don't really sleep." He said softly.
I nodded my head and finished breakfast. I put the plates down and left to wake up Sam. I made it to the room and saw Sam up. I watched as he looked around the room and I slowly opened the room.
"You okay Sam?" I asked softly.
"Thank god!" He exclaimed as he ran up to me and pulled me into a hug.
"Okay? What's going on?"
"When I woke u and saw that you weren't beside me... I freaked out." He explained.
"I was down stairs fixing breakfast.... hey I'm here... I'm safe. We are safe." I said as I gently touched his face.
He nodded his head and I sent him a smile as I leaned up and kissed him.
"I love you." He whispered against my lips.
"Love you too, now breakfast!" I said as I clapped my hands together.
He let out a laugh and I sent him a smile as I dragged him downstairs.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More