When I got the phone call that Dean had been found and captured I quickly made it to the bunker. When I arrived I had made it before Cas.
"I'm going to wait for Cas... can you watch him?" Sam asked softly.
"Of course." I said as I looked at Dean from the door.
I held my breath as I walked through the door and saw Dean tied to a chair.
"Oh, Sammy is that desperate?" He asked with a chuckle.
"I know it's not my Dean talking." I said softly.
"It's me Sweetheart, and I'm pretty serious when I say he must be desperate to send the little whore you are to keep an eye on me." He said with a smirk.
"Whore? Says the guy who sleeps with anything that has legs! Says the guy who cheated on me with a woman he didn't even know! I gave half my life to you and you threw all that away for a slut who didn't give a rats ass for you! I know this is the demon Dean talking... and I know my dean probably won't remember this, but I hate you... I hate you because if I didn't I'd still love you.... and it drives me crazy." I said as I held tears back.
After awhile Sam came in and asked if I wanted to wait for Cas. I happily said yes and left to wait for him outside. Soon he arrived and Dean was cured.
"I'm glad he is back." I said as I put my hands in my pockets.
"He asked to talk to you." Sam said softly.
"I have to go."
"(Y/n).... I heard most of what you said.... you should talk to him.... trust me you won't regret it." Sam said softly.
"Fine, but if I punch him-"
"Nothing will be held against you." Sam said with a laugh.
I let out a sigh and shook my head as I walked back into the bunker and towards Dean's room. I stopped at the door and gently knocked on it.
"Come in!"
I opened the door slowly and saw Dean sitting on the edge of his bed.
"(Y/n)? I thought you left." He said as his eyes met mine.
"Was about to, but... Sam said you wanted to talk to me." I said as I bit my lip.
"Oh! Um... yea... I just..... Damn it! Why is this so hard?" He growled out.
"Just spit it out Dean."
"I'm sorry! For everything! For being a dick.... for what I said... when I was a demon." He said as he looked at the ground.
"You remember being a demon?"
"I remember it all.... everything.... that wasn't me talking when I... when it called you that.... you're not a whore in my eyes... hell if anyone is one it's me.... I mean I screwed up a great relationship and for what a good fuck!" He exclaimed as he shook his head.
"I mean who does that to someone as great as you! I mean you did everything to make me save and happy and I go screw some blonde chick! And I didn't even like her!"
"No seriously.... how could I be such a dumb ass that I hurt you.... I mean you came back after that... to save me and I still hurt you.... I'm a horrible person.... and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness or anything.... but I wanted to tell you... that I love you... god I love yo hand I wish I could take it all away... the pain.. the suffer-"
I quickly cut him off by wrapped my arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. His arms wrapped around me protectively and he pulled me closer to him.
"I miss you too.... and I'm willing to let the past die and move on..... but you got to move on with me."
He nodded his head and gently kissed my forehead.
"I love you." He whispered.
"Love you too." I whispered as I held him tightly.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More