It had been a couple years since my husband of two years had went missing. Since his disappearance I had tried to move on, by it was hard. I had been with Chuck for three years before he asked me to marry him. Today it had been five years since he had gone missing and I was feeling extremely depressed.
I made my way around the bunker and stopped when I heard my name.
"So why not tell (Y/N)?" Sam's voice asked.
"(Y/N) would've been worried and angry and crying. I didn't want that. It was better for both of us." A familiar voice.
"Then I bet you don't want to know she is here, helping us fight your loving sister." Dean said angrily.
"She is here? In the bunker? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Wanted to make you sweat." Dean said with a chuckle.
"Is she here now?"
"Don't know, let me see... Hey (Y/n)! You here!" Dean yelled.
I held my breath for a second and then let out a sigh as I backed away.
"Yea! In kitchen!" I yelled back.
"She can't know I'm here.... please Dean... it would destroy her." The voice said.
I opened the door to see Sam and Dean sitting in front of someone whose back was turned away from me.
"To late." Dean said with a smirk.
I felt my heart stop as the man turned around and I saw it was my husband.... well soon to be ex husband.
"Chuck... I see you are alive." I said angrily.
"We will leave you two alone." Sam said as he grabbed Dean.
"Wait it's getting goo-"
Same pushed him out of the room and sent me a reassuring smile as he walked out behind him and shut the door. I turned back to look at Chuck and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Hello (Y/n)." He said softly.
"Five years and all I get is a hello..... you have five minutes to tell me where the hell you were or I walk out and look for the closest divorce clinic." I said sternly.
"I have a reason for leaving...."
"1 minute."
"I was trying to protect you... look I can't tell you everything-"
"3 minutes."
"You skipped 2! Okay look I love you and I swear if I could tell you I would-"
"4 minutes."
"Damn it (Y/n)! Just liste-"
"5 minutes goodbye." I turned to walk out of the room and heard him let out a groan.
"I'm god!" He yelled.
I stopped moving and turned to look at him shocked.
"That isn't funny." I said softly.
"I know.... it isn't funny because it's true... I'm god.... the creator of life..... I didn't want to tell you... I didn't want you to be a part of any of this." He said softly.
"To protect you.... I love you to much to let you be hurt."
"Why me? I mean if you're god couldn't you have anyone..... why pick me? I mean I can't hold a job, I'm over weight...... I'm not that pretty, I don't have a butt.... and I'm... well I'm a idiot."
"I choice you because you are the kindest woman alive.... you are the most beautiful creature I have ever created..... I like your butt very much and.... you are so brilliant you just don't see it... and as for a job.... I like having you home in my arms." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"But I'm sure there could be someone better."
"No one... trust me I've looked. Know how hard it is to find someone to laugh at my horrible jokes? I mean I'm god and I thought I was funny.... but no one else does." He said with a grumble.
"You have some funny jokes.."
"I though you liked all of my jokes." He said with a frown.
"I do! Wait I'm suppose to be mad at you!" I snapped as I pushed him away.
"Don't sweetheart me! Five years! I don't care if you are god or not! You have some explaining to do!" I yelled angrily.
"I wanted to keep you safe... when I learned that Lucifer was free and that Cas was looking for me.... I knew I had to go into hiding.... I didn't want to leave, but to keep you safe.... I'd do anything." He said softly.
"Five years..... I have been sleeping alone for five years."
"I'm sorry..."
"I was this close to sleeping with Crowley!" I said as I barely touched my fingers together.
"You almost slept with Crowley! Why would you-"
"I was lonely! You know I get cold at night and can't sleep unless I'm close to someone! And I've been trying to sleep alone for Five years! You owe me big time."
"I love you.... and I swear I will do everything to make it up to you."
"Cuddles.... a whole week... in bed not moving... just cuddles."
"I can do that." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"And I want a baby, and don't say no, because I'm not getting any younger and I deserve a kid." I said sternly.
"I'd love to have a baby with you." He said as he pulled me into a deep kiss.
I let out a sigh as I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him deeply.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More