Being a demon was never easy, and it got harder when I was forced to kill people. The only thing that helped with being a demon was Crowley. Crowley has taken me under his wing and helped me overcome my feelings. He helped me know that I did what I had to so I could survive.
"Idiots!" Crowley yelled.
I walked into the throne room to see him yelling at demons. I frowned as they ran out and he set on his chair.
"Rough day?" I asked softly.
"I am surrounded by morons! They keep trying to sell me out to Abaddon." He said angrily.
"They are scared of her what do you expect?" I asked as I handed him a glass of rum.
"Are you scared of her?" He asked as he took a sip.
"Yes, but what demon isn't?"
"Are you scared enough to betray me?" He asked calmly.
"Why would I betray you?"
"I don't know why is everyone else betraying me?" He asked as he walked up to me.
"Because they only have loyalty to themselves.... Crowley I will always choose you."
"Why would you choose me?" He asked as he met my eyes.
"Because I love you." I said softly.
"Say it again." He whispered.
"I love you."
I saw a smile appear on his face as he bent down and gently pressed his lips against mine. The kiss started out slow and loving, but it soon turned to lust and wanting. I heard a knock on the door and I quickly pulled away before anything else could happen.
"We will finish this later." He whispered against my lips.
"I'll hold you too that promise." I said as I pulled away.
I sent him a wink and smiled as I walked out of his throne room.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More