When Henry came to our time he had almost been killed by Abaddon but me and the boys saved him and I nursed him back to health. When we realized we couldn't send him back he ended up staying with me and we soon started a relationship that ended with me getting pregnant.
"I.... I can't believe your pregnant." Dean said shocked.
"You and me both. I haven't got the chance to tell Henry yet because he is hunting with Sam and you, but when he gets back I have a plan to tell him." I said through the phone.
"Okay we shouldn't be gone long. See you later." Dean said hanging up.
That was about six months ago and now I am seven months pregnant and I'm still waiting for them to get back. I heard a knock on my door and I stood up and walked to the door and open it to see Henry. He looked at me shocked and I smiled softly.
"Hi." I said looking up at him.
"Hi.... so.... your pregnant." He said looking at my stomach.
"Yea..... seven months along." I said with a smile.
"I'm sure the father of the child is excited." He said walking into the house.
"The father?" I asked confused.
"Yea the father. If you don't mind who is he?" He asked politely.
"Well..... He.... um he is you." I said bitting my lip.
"He... He is me? I am... the father of your child?" He asked shocked.
"Yea..... remember that night before you left with Sam and Dean?" I asked looking up at him.
"Well.... yes I remember but I thought since I had been gone so long you had moved on." He said looking away.
"Seriously? You think I moved on that quickly?" I asked raising a eyebrow.
"Well you are a very beautiful woman and.... I wouldn't be surprised if you had men chasing after you." He said with a chuckle.
"Well I haven't and I'm pregnant with our child." I said with a small smile.
"Our child..... I like that a lot." He said with a smile.
"Me too." I said with a smile.
Two months later (baby's due date)
"I FREAKIN HATE YOU!" I screamed as I was told to push.
"I know and I love you too darling." Henry said holding my hand.
I pushed once more and heard the sound of a baby crying. I smiled as tears streamed down my face as they handed Henry our son. I smiled as he held him in his hands and set on the bed beside me.
"Look at him. He is going to be so handsome." Henry said as (s/n) grabbed his finger.
I laughed as he kissed my forehead and hugged me to his side.
"Thank you." He said smiling at me.
"No.... thank you for staying." I said leaning up and pecking his lips.
He chuckled as he wrapped a arm around me and kissed my forehead once more before I fell asleep in his arms.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More