"So whose idea was it that we go ask Lucifer how to stop the darkness?" I asked with a frown.
"Mine." Sam said softly.
"You two know Dean is going to kill us right?" I asked softly.
"It will be fine." Crowley said calmly.
"I go in, Sam stays here. I talk to him, not Sam." I said sternly.
"But nothing.... I don't trust Lucifer around you and I never will now let's go."
We made it to the cage and I watched as Rowena did the spell.
"So what will the spell do?" I asked softly.
"Or you in the cage with him." Crowley said with a smile.
"Wait what?!"
Before I could tell her to stop I felt my body shift and I looked around to see I was in the cage.
"Well well, look what the cat dragged on." A deep voice said.
"I'm killing Crowley." I groaned out.
"Join the club... so why is my dear little mouse here? Shouldn't you be running?"
"The Darkness, I need to know how to stop it." I said calmly.
"Aunty Amara? Now who let her out?"
"We removed the mark of Cain."
"Why am I not surprised.... so you are here to ask little ole me."
"Yes. So do you know how to stop her?"
"I might."
"Then tell me. Lucifer she wants to destroy the world." I said softly.
"I'll make you a deal, I'll tell you how to stop her, even help you with her, but you have to do something for me."
"What do you want?"
"Yes you, look it's lonely in here and I need someone to talk to who isn't scared of me. So if you stay here with me.... I'll help." He said with a smirk.
"I knew you would say- wait yes?"
"Yes I'll stay..... if I'm in here I'll be already in hell so Crowley doesn't get to drag me down here."
"You made a deal with him."
"Five years ago. I did t to save my boyfriend.... who ended up leaving me for my sister." I said softly.
"Wow... that... that guy has a special place in Hell." He said with a chuckle.
"Don't we all though?"
He sent me a smile and shook his head. He soon told Crowley what they needed to do.
"Alright let's get her out-"
"I'm staying, I made a deal that I would stay in here with him if he helped us. I'll be fine."
"Alright, but the boys won't like this."
"They can kiss my ass." I said with a smile.
A week later
"Have any 5's?" I asked softly.
"Lier I say the 5 in your deck." I said with a laugh.
"I knew you where cheating!" He exclaimed.
I laughed as I put my cards down and he tackled me. He started to tickle me and stopped when I had enough. I smiled as I looked up at him and he met my eyes. He leaned down slowly and I smiled as I leaned up. Before I lips could touch I felt my body shift. I looked around to see I was out of the cage.
"What the hell?" I asked shocked.
"Crowley lied about you being in the cage. He told Sam he let you out. We came to get you back." Cas said with a smile.
"Well take me back there."
"What?" Dean asked shocked.
"Chuck? Isn't he dead?"
"Been awhile (Y/n)." Chuck said with a smile.
"Okay I want to go back, so take me back now!" I ordered.
"Lucifer has warped your mind. When yo I start thinking straight we will talk, until then you go to your room and me and Sam will talk to him." Dean said as he dragged me into my room.
"No! Let me out! Take me back! Please Dean! Take me back to him! I made him a promise!" I yelled.
I felt tears stream down my face as I slid down the wall.
"Please..... I love him." I whispered.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More