It had been a couple of days since we had heard from Crowley and I was starting to get worried.
"What if something has happened?" I asked as I set beside Sam.
"I'm sure he is fine. Probably just hooking up with someone."
I sent him a glare and he let out a sigh.
"Listen I know you and him use to date, but are you really still into him?"
"First love, hardest thing to get over." I said annoyed.
Soon they found him and brought him back to the base. I set in a chair in front of him and shook my head.
"Human blood...... you just had to get addicted to human blood. Why?" I asked annoyed.
"It made me feel again.... like when..... never mind I don't have to explain to you."
"Fine! Be that way! See if I care." I said as I walked away.
We start to look for the first blade again and track it to a man who ends up kidnapping me and Dean.
"You will be the greatest addition to my zoo." Magnus said with a smile.
He went to touch me and I bit his hand.
"I bit." I said angrily.
He smacked me across the face and I bit my lip. Soon Sam arrived and not long after Dean killed Magnus and Crowley untied me.
"You're bleeding." He said softly.
"I'm fine." I said as I pushed past him.
I let out a groan as we made it to the car and then I was kidnapped by Crowley, again.
"How do you feel?" Crowley asked as he walked into the room.
"I'm fine. Just have a sore cheek."
"Can I?" He asked as he held up a ice packet.
I nodded my head and he sent me a smile as he put it to my cheek and I felt the pain go away. I let out a sigh of relief as I leaned into it.
"Can't believe you were stupid enough to get caught." He said calmly.
"Not my first time. So.... how long am I forced to stay here this time?"
"Until you are safe."
"I'm never safe. Not with you or with the Winchester's."
"You are safer with me, pet."
"I'm not your pet." I said as I moved his hand away.
I grabbed the ice pack and put it on my dresser before turning to look at him.
"You are what I call you." He said sternly.
"Go to hell."
He looked down at me and I shook my head as I stood up and went to leave the room. I felt him grab my arm and I was turned to face him. He pressed me against his chest and I looked up at him.
"Let me go." I said sternly.
"No, you see I'm a very possessive man and I'm tired of our games. You are staying here" He said calmly.
"No, I'm leaving. I am done with you, so let me go."
"Sorry but not happening. Can't lose my pet."
"Oh bit me!"I snapped angrily.
I saw a smirk appear on his lips and before I knew it he had put his lips to my neck and bit down. I let out a gasp as he drew blood and then pulled away.
"You told me to." He whispered into my ear.
"Go fuck yourself."
"I'd rather you do that for me."
I pushed him off of me and he let out a chuckle as he watched me. I went to push past him again and this time he let me. I made it to the door and let out a groan as I turned around and pulled him into a kiss before shutting the door and locking it.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More