I let out a sigh as I set at the table and listened to Sam and Dean complain.
"You two are like children." I said as I let out a groan.
The closet door open and I quickly stood up and pulled my gun out.
"Which of you is John Winchester?" The man asked as he stood up.
Dean and Sam looked at each other and I kept my gun aimed at him. Dean went to cuff him with Sam and I laughed as he cuffed both of them.
"(Y/n)! Help!" Dean snapped.
I shook my head as I put my gun away and ran after the guy. I tackled him to the ground and he looked at me shocked.
"Sorry sweetheart, but you aren't going anywhere." I said as I pinned him down.
"I don't like to use violence on a woman, but in certain times I must." He said as he bit me and flipped us over.
"You dick! You bit me." I snapped as he held me down.
"Truly sorry." He said as he stood up.
I held my arm and watched him go to Dean's car and break the window. Soon Dean and Sam caught him and we took him inside.
"One you pissed me off! And you pissed her off, so you aren't starting off really good. We want answers." Dean ordered.
"I am truly sorry to have to of injured you, but it was necessary."
"You bit me! How would you like it if I bit you!"
Dean held back a chuckle and I smacked his head.
"That is for being a pervert." I said as he sent me a look.
A few minutes later a woman came through the door and threw Sam and Dean into a wall.
"And who is this pretty?"
"Names (Y/n)." I said as I pulled out my gun and shot her.
She let out a laugh and I froze as it did nothing to her. She threw me into a wall and the Dean picked me up and we took off with the man.
"If I get injured once more today I'm hitting someone." I said annoyed.
"Take me to John Winchester." The man ordered.
"We can't." Dean snapped.
"Why not?"
"Because he's dead!"
"No... that can't be."
"What's it to you?"
"I'm his father." The man said as he looked away.
We soon learned the man's name was Henry Winchester and that Abbadon was a demon from his time. After looking for answers we left to go to the hotel. Dean and Sam soon fell asleep, but I stayed awake and looked through their dad's book.
"So how long have you been with him?"
"With who?" I asked as I looked up at Henry.
"I'm not with Dean. I'm very much single, and happy." I said calmly.
"They why are you here?"
"I work with them. Have since your son saved me when I was ten."
"What happen?"
"A ghost was in the house my family moved into. After killing my brothers it went after my parents and then me. John made it in time to save me, but the rest of my family didn't make it."
"I'm sorry." He said softly.
"Don't be. It was years ago, so..... what was John like as a child?" I asked as I put the book away.
"Like any child. Energetic, kind, and so very brave."
"All except the kind part is how I would describe him."
He looked at me confused and I smiled softly.
"John Winchester could be kind, but it was rare. He use to hunt with Dean and Sam, but Sam left for college and they became estranged. John went missing and Sam got back into the life. John always picked a fight with Sam." I explained.
"I see, and what is your relationship to him?"
"I was a friend. John helped me find a family to stay with after mine was killed. I was raised by a hunger named Bobby Singer." I explained.
"I see." He said softly.
I soon fell asleep on the couch and I woke up to a coat laid on me and Henry missing. When we found him I handed it back to him.
"Thanks for covering me up." I said calmly.
"I couldn't let a beautiful woman freeze to death." He said softly.
Soon we trapped Abaddon and I frowned as Henry talked about leaving. After awhile I left to take Henry to a safe house. I laid down on my bed and only set up when my door was opened.
"What's up?" I asked as Henry walked into the room.
"I think I know why I decide to stay." He said softly.
"Alright, spill what's the reason?"
"Me? Why would you stay because of me?"
"Because I'm in love with you." He said softly.
I looked at him shocked as he walked up to me. He leaned down and I felt my eyes close as he gently kissed me.
"I think I'm in love with you too." I whispered against his lips.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More