I set beside Dean and felt anger boil up as I listened to Mary talk to Sam.
"Seriously? How can he forgive her so easily?" I whispered annoyed.
"I don't know. He is a idiot." Dean said calmly.
"She sold us out. She gave them the colt." I whispered leaning back in my chair.
"Also she made a deal with a demon which is why we are looking for Lucifer." Crowley said from behind us.
"What?" Sam asked confused.
"Nothing." Dean and me said at the same time.
"Lucifer is still alive, and you both didn't tell me?" Sam asked angrily.
"Thanks Crowley." I whispered annoyed.
"Had to happen sometime." He said with a smirk.
"Seriously! My best friend and brother kept the devil being alive and out there from me!" He snapped.
"To protect you." Dean said calmly.
"That isn't protecting me."
"And what Mary did is!" I snapped.
Mary looked at me shocked and Dean sent me a look.
"You will get mad at us, but she messes up and it's fine! Sam everything that had happen to us is because of her! Jess's death! Your father's death! Kevin's death! Bobby's death! That all happen because she made a damn deal! We now have men of letters after us!" I yelled.
"You can't blame all of that on her." Sam said angrily.
"No I can. Because if she hadn't made that deal.... if she had of not tried to run away.... I never would of lost my baby brother." I said walking out of the room.
I slammed the door to my bedroom shut and laid on my bed. I let out a sigh as I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling. I heard a knock and let out a sigh as I set up and told them to come in.
"Hi." Mary said softly.
"What do you need?" I asked sharply.
"I know you don't like me. I don't like myself for what I did. But if I hadn't of made that deal... Dean and Sam wouldn't be here." She said softly.
"And you wouldn't have the love of your life." She said with a smirk.
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.
"Your in love with Sam." She said softly.
"..... is it that obvious?" I asked softly.
"When you are watching every move he makes it is." She said with a laugh.
"What I said.... I was just angry that Sam could forgive you so easy, but when it comes to me or Dean.... it takes forever to get him to forgive us." I said with a sigh.
"That's because he cares more about you two. I'm his mother I may have been gone for awhile but I know my son." She said with a smile.
"I guess I should go say sorry to him." I said with a groan.
"Or let him suffer." She said with a wink as she stood up and left.
I laughed as I shook my head and stood up. I made it to Sam's room and gently knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" Sam asked angrily.
"Your best friend! I come bearing gifts!" I yelled with a laugh.
He open the door and instantly glared at what was in my hand.
"Really? A stuffed moose?" He asked calmly.
"It's your son!" I exclaimed defensively.
"I don't have a son. Your insane. What do you need?" He asked with a laugh.
"I wanted to say sorry about earlier. I was out of line. Sad thing is it took me talking to your mother to realize it." I said bitting my lip.
"Wait did the (y/n) Tran just say sorry? And to me? Pinch me I must be dreaming!"
I sent him a glare as I pinched his arm and he flinched back.
"What was that for?"
"You told me to pinch you." I said crossing my arms over my chest with a smirk.
"Wait you talked to my mom?"
"Yea.... she talked me into apologizing."
"She... she didn't say anything about.... I don't know someone here liking you right?" He asked nervously.
"Now that you mention it she said you cared about me." I said with a smirk.
"Anything else?"
"That you where hopelessly in love with me." I said holding in a laugh.
"I am going to kill her!" He exclaimed with a groan.
I looked at him confused and he let out a sigh.
"You think I'm pathetic don't you? Because I'm in love with you." He said rubbing his face.
"You love me?"
"Yea just like my mom sai..... she didn't say anything about me being hopelessly in love with you did she?" He asked staring down at me.
I shook my head no and he let out a groan as he shook his head.
"I'm going to go back in my room.... let's forget this happen." He said turning to leave.
I shook my head and quickly caught his door. He turned to look at me confused and I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer so I could press my lips against his in a passionate kiss. I felt him freeze up for a second before closing his eyes and pulling me closer. I smiled as I pulled away from he and moved away.
"I'm hopelessly in love with you too moose." I said with a smile.
"Just this once you can call me that... just this once." He said holding his finger up.
I laughed as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine again.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More