I laid on my bed and looked up at the ceiling bored out of my mind. I had been forced to stay home for the longest time. I had injured my leg fighting a witch with Dean and Sam and instead of healing me my over protective boyfriend made me heal naturally. I smirked as the door open and Gabriel walked in with a smile.
"Hey baby how's the leg?" He asked sitting beside me.
I smiled as I set up and grabbed the remote turning on the TV.
"Baby I'm talking to you." He said laughing as he set in front of me.
I moved over a little so I could see the TV.
"Have I done something to upset you?" He asked looking at me confused.
I laughed a little at the show I was watching and kept keeping my eyes on the TV.
"Hello? Speak to me Earthling." He said playfully.
I rolled over and grabbed my drink and took a sip of it before rolling back over and watching TV again.
"Two can play at that game." He said sitting beside me and crossing his arms and leaning back.
I smiled as I waited three minutes before turning to face Gabriel. He looked happily at me, until I leaned over him and grabbed a bag of chips. He groaned as I leaned back and looked at the TV.
"Oh come on! Baby please talk to me!" He begged laying in my lap.
I smiled as held back my laugh as he whined into my lap. The door open and I smiled as I turned to see Dean, Sam, and Cas.
"Hey guys." I said with a smile.
"Oh come on! Baby what I do?" He asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
"I'm so confused." Sam said as he looked at me confused.
"Oh I'm ignoring Gabriel, cause he is a bag of dicks who won't heal his girlfriend and is letting her be in pain." I said annoyed.
"Baby I'm trying to keep you safe from these idiots." Gabriel said as he looked at me sadly.
"Hey Cas can you heal my leg?" I asked with a smile.
"Of course." Cas said walking over time.
Cas touched my leg and the pain went away. I smiled at him in gratitude and stood up and stretched.
"Thank you Cas." I said with a smile.
I heard Gabriel groan as he stood up and glared at Cas.
"If you don't mind we have a job so us three will leave you two to your lovers quarrel." Dean said dragging Sam and Cas out as he laughed.
I watched as Gabriel walked over to the door and locked it before turning to face me. I smiled as I walked into the bathroom and cut off my cast. I sighed in bless as I ran warm water and sunk into it. Gabriel walked into the bathroom and let out a sigh as he grabbed a wash rag. He started to help me clean off and I smiled happily. After awhile he stopped and I realized the water was cold. I stood up and grabbed a towel wrapping it around me. I walked out of the bathroom and found some clothes to change into. After changing I turned to see Gabriel looking at me from the bathroom doorway. I smiled plopping down on the bed and turning to look at him.
"Are you going to come lay beside me or am I gonna lay in this bed alone?" I asked with a smile.
He smiled happily before jumping on the bed and pulling the covers over him. I laughed as I snuggled into his side and closed my eyes.
"I wasn't really mad." I said with a smile.
"Then why ignore me?" He asked calmly.
"I wanted to mess with you a little." I said smiling up at him.
"Really you wanted to mess with me?" He asked smirking.
"Gabriel I don't like that smirk." I said moving away from him.
He smiled as he rolled onto me and started to tickle my sides. I burst out laughing as kept tickling me until tears where in my eyes. He stopped and I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More