I had never chosen to be the sister of the vessels of Michael and Lucifer, and I definitely didn't choice to be the soulmate to the devil. When I learned about my brother's roles in the Apocalypse I was thrilled that for once in my life I wasn't apart of it, and then I was told that Lucifer was my soulmate and I felt my world crash and burn.
"Why in the hell, would god want me as his soulmate?" I asked angrily.
"Because you are as mean as the devil?" Dean said questionably.
I glared at him and he held his hands up.
"Joking! Look you don't have to be his soulmate. I mean you hate him and I know he hated you, so maybe Gabriel was just fucking with you." Dean said softly.
"He better have been, or I'm going to revive him and kill him again." I groaned out.
It wasn't long after that conversation that I ended up getting captured by Lucifer and taken to his prison. I set on the bed in the corner and used my knife to cut into the wall.
"Hello sweetheart." A voice said.
I turned to see a man with blonde hair and light blue eyes. I glared at him as I saw his signature smirk placed on his lips.
"Why am I here?" I asked angrily.
"You are my guest."
"Me? The guest of the great and powerful devil! Oh I might faint.... not." I said angrily.
"Now (Y/n), I am trying to be nice, but you keep being a pain." He said softly.
"Maybe I I wasn't locked in a cell then I would be nice."
"Alright." He said as he snapped his fingers.
Before I knew it my back hit a soft bed and I set up to see that I was in a plain black room. The bed I was on had red covers and black pillow cases. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and he sent me a wink.
"I'll send you dinner, what would you like?" He asked calmly.
"Spaghetti with Italian bread with wine..... from Italy." I said with a smirk.
"Coming right up." He said as he snapped his fingers.
He disappeared and right in front of me appeared what I had asked for. I looked at it shocked and hen I looked at the piece of paper.
"Bon Appétit..... hope you enjoy. Love Lucifer." I read aloud.
For the next week anything I asked for Lucifer would give me, even if it was the stupidest thing. After being his prisoner for over a month I decided to see how far I could push it. I waited for him to walk into the room and I watched him.
"So... you will do anything I ask except let me go right?" I asked as I set on my bed.
"And you won't lie if I ask a question?"
"I won't." He said as he put the bags down.
"Are you in love with me?"
"Then kill me."
"That isn't funny..."
"If you don't love me then kill me. But if you can't that means you just lied to me." I said with a smile.
"I could kill you and not lose a wink of sleep." He said as he pinned me against the wall.
"You don't sleep."
He dropped me on the bed and glared at me.
"Admit that you love me... I know you do."
"I don't love-"
I cut him off by pulling him down for a deep kiss. He froze in place for a second before he kissed me back. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me against him. I pulled away and he tried to press his lips against mine, but I stopped him.
"Tell the truth." I whispered.
"Why? Why is it so important?"
"Because I want to know that I'm not the only one who feels it." I said as I met his eyes.
He pressed his lips against mine and I let out a gasp as I kissed him deeply. He pulled away and I tried to kiss him again but stopped.
"I love you too..... you idiot human." He said as he pulled me into another kiss.

Supernatural imagines
FanfictionImagines about our favorite characters in supernatural. Dean Sam Castiel More