Chapter 1

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"Is that all you've got?" I taunted as Jamie grumbled something under his breath before shooting out water from his hands, slamming my body against the wall.

Me and Jamie were in the training room of Magus Academy and no, he wasn't my study buddy for a third year running. We just chose who to train with.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you're wondering what happened after we found out about the attack.

Well, to be honest, it was extremely anticlimactic. We were all sent back to Magus Academy, including Charles, so that the "adults" can have a "grown-up" conversation.

To say that I was slightly frustrated is a complete understatement. 

I was their future queen and I wasn't even allowed to take part in protecting it!

Thankfully, however, I could let all that anger out on Jamie.

Anyway, back to the super intense battle.

I glared at Jamie playfully before sending a wave of light flying at Jamie, sending him (and probably his ego) tumbling down.

"How- YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BROKEN A SWEAT!" Jamie suddenly yelled, causing me to wince.

Ever since I touched the Celestian tree (a tree filled with huge amounts of magical energy) back in the palace, I've become a lot more powerful.

No one else actually knows about this besides me and possibly Charles.

By now you're probably wondering "why the bleep hasn't Lisa told anyone?" Well, you see, I don't wanna get into trouble.

Jamie would probably go on a rampage if he found out that I even thought about touching the tree.

For some odd reason, that jammie dodger has been adamant about me not going anywhere near that plant.

Despite this, however, I still decided to visit it regularly _ I mean, I couldn't help myself.

If a jammie dodger tells you not to do something, you have to do it. That, my friends, is my philosophy.

Yeah, I have a bleepy philosophy.

Ooh bleepy _ that's a new one.

"After you almost die multiple times," I began, referring back to last year, "You learn to become stronger."

I then strutted out, feeling so epic about myself. To be honest I could practically hear the dramatic music playing in the background!

Well, that was until I tripped over Jamie's sword, which was lying on the ground next to my foot.

"BLEEP!" I yelled, grabbing onto my now throbbing foot, "Who put that sword there?"

Jamie rolled his eyes, with an amused expression on his face, before pushing himself up, "I seriously think the blood loss from the incident has made you go a little... loopy..."

I huffed loudly, folding my arms childishly. Technically speaking, Jamie wasn't wrong; I did feel very dizzy after I woke up. Even after then, I would occasionally feel like fainting.

I'm pretty sure Jamie and the others could see that as well. Jamie was treating me like a glass doll during training and so were the rest of the teachers in the whole bleeping school!

I get that they were worried about me getting any more injuries however that didn't make it less annoying!

"Let's go and see the others. Hopefully, we can make it before Sophie tries to kill Charles again," I suggested as Jamie clenched his fists.

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