Chapter 23

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Jamie's POV

I was only a few seconds away from swimming to the dragon when an Acutus (a long eel-like fish with spikes along its body) charged at me.

I dodged its attack, almost slamming right into another Acutus which was right behind me.

The two fish circled me, their spikes only inches away from my body, before swimming at me once more.

I dived down, narrowly missing their attack before swimming as fast as I could, away from the Acuti. (The plural of Acutus)

I then used my magic to force the Acuti away from me, using powerful jet streams of water to push them away.

One Acutus let out a horrific screech whilst the other one hissed at me loudly, causing me to flinch back a tiny bit.

A single bite from one of those two could and up leading my death due to the fact that about 99% of the creatures down there were attracted to blood.

If any more of them find me, I'd be gone for.

I quickly sent a cry for help to Sophie, praying that someone would help me out down here on time.

The next thing I knew, I felt a sharp stinging sensation in my shoulder, I tilted my head I little to see what was wrong only to find a third Acutus, with its teeth gnawing at my shoulder.

The Acutus then swam back a little, letting the blood gush out of my wound, probably alerting all the beasts of their huge kill.

Beasts of all shapes and sizes swam into the cave, staring at me hungrily, probably picturing how I'd taste like.

You see, not many people go to the lake so, killing and eating a Celestian must've been a once in a lifetime opportunity for them.

All of a sudden, I saw a wave of light send about half the beasts surrounding me far away, causing my eyes to widen.

Lisa was somehow deep in the lake, breathing perfectly fine.

It the words of Lisa _ what the bleep?

Before I could dwell on that thought for too long, Lisa practically barrelled past me towards the rest of the monsters with her sword in one hand and orb of light in another.

I finally snapped out of my daze and joined in, suddenly feeling a lot more confident knowing that Lisa was with me.

I conjured up a blast of water, shooting the monsters as far back as possible whilst Lisa dived in at them, using her sword and her magic.

We then alternated between using the two methods until we finally got rid of all the monsters.

The two of us stayed still for a few seconds, panting loudly before my head started to get a little heavy.

I suddenly felt myself sink down to the seafloor as the pain in my shoulder started to intensify.

I saw Lisa swim up to me and say, "You need to make us a bubble of air so I can breathe. Sophie's underwater breathing spell is about to run out."

I obliged, pushing the water around us far back until we had a small area for Lisa to breathe in.

Suddenly, Lisa coughed up mouthfuls of water before taking deep breaths of air.

Before I could ask Lisa if she was ok, she said, "Look, I'm fine. What we need to do is find a way to stop that wound of yours from bleeding any more."

She then looked around desperately, probably trying to find something that could cover my shoulder without infecting the wound.

Lisa looked at me hesitantly before looking at my coat (which I kept on due to how freezing the water was) and mumbled, "Sorry, bleeper _ I guess we'll have to use this."

She then took my coat off, before folding it in half and looking at my wound wearily.

"Punch me if I hurt you too much," She then ordered, causing me to mentally roll my eyes _ as if I could ever think about hurting Lisa!

She positioned herself in front of me before gently placing my coat on top of my wound, causing me to hiss quietly.

She then wrapped the coat around my shoulder one more time before awkwardly tying a knot.

"There we go," Lisa mumbled, looking up at me, causing my heart to skip a beat _ somehow, she still made me nervous even after we've gone on dozens of dates!

"Why... why are you here?" I asked once our eyes met.

"We answered your call for help," She replied smiled softly. Damn that smile!

"Why you? Why not Sophie _ someone who could actually breathe underwater without a spell?"

"Because, idiot, we need someone up there to know we're fine. Speaking of which, you shut your gob and open your... mind?" Lisa then snapped, causing me to quickly speak to Sophie.

"Thanks for the help," I told Sophie telepathically.

"No problem dear brother. Oh and don't forget to use protection!" Sophie simply replied, causing me to roll my eyes.

"What did she say?" Lisa asked, looking at me amusedly. For a moment, I actually contemplated telling Lisa the truth _ yeah, that's not gonna happen.

"Just that we should get out soon," I lied smoothly.

"Don't lie to me," she then replied, causing me to look at her in shock _ how the hell did she notice?

"How did you know?" I asked, causing her to blush a tiny bit.

"You never look people in the eye when you lie," she mumbled shyly. Geez, talk about noticing details!

"Does that mean you stare at my eyes?" I asked teasingly as she shook her head.

"No, I just stare at your stupidly attractive face," Lisa blurted out, slapping a hand on her mouth whilst blushing.

"You find me attractive, huh?" I asked moving closer to Lisa, our eyes staring at each other.

"We already established that earlier," Lisa replied, closing the space between us with her lips right by my ear, "I'm not blind."

"Lisa, look I have something to tell you... you see I-" I began taking a deep breath in.

"Wait," Lisa then backed up a tiny bit, "Let me get this out before you ruin the moment. I need to get this out of my chest now. You see, I've started feeling this weird way towards you... I feel fluttery around you all of a sudden... I think I... I- "

However, I didn't let her finish _ I couldn't do it. Not when the moment was so perfect.

I just manned up and did something I should've done long ago.

I kissed Lisa.

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