Chapter 29

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You guessed it, I forgot to publish yesterday again. I don't know what the bleep is wrong with me but you should probably expect my forgetfulness to pop up every couple days... sorry 😅

Sophie's POV:

I watched the young girl, who appeared to be no older than 14, hug Charles like her life depended on it.

What shocked me the most, however, was when Charles smiled in pure joy as he looked into the room.

To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen Charles so happy in a long while.

A few seconds later, a male voice called out, "Come on Beth, give Charlie a chance to breathe."

The girl, who I now know was called Beth, sheepishly backed away from Charles.

It took her a moment to realise that I was standing right behind Charles.

"Hey, I'm guessing you're the famous Sophie Charles was so eager to get back to," Beth said, her eyes glinting is this weird way.

She then came up to me and hugged me tightly, as if she knew me all her life.

"Umm... okay..." I mumbled, slightly weirded out at the stranger's niceness.

Beth then let go of me and gestured for me and Charles to follow her into the room.

Charles obviously went in without a second thought however I nervously sighed wondering what the hell I got myself into.

Charles's POV:

I walked into the familiar room, smiling widely at the place. It wasn't much: just a few chairs dotted around with a mini-fridge, a TV as well as a small dining table.

Despite its tiny size, it was home.

"So, what's wrong?" Martin asked me, as soon as he closed the door.

I looked over at Sophie, too lazy to explain our whole situation, causing her to roll her eyes and say, "Our queen wants to kill your king."

The two of them simply shrugged nonchalantly as Sophie looked at them in disbelief, clearly expecting them to care about their monarch.

"Go ahead. Make sure it's slow and painful," Martin said, heading over to the mini-fridge and taking out two cans of fizzy drink.

He threw one over to be, which I barely caught, might I add, and handed the other to Sophie.

"Aren't you supposed to support your king?" Sophie asked curiously, opening the can and downing the drink down almost instantly.

"Oh please," Martin snorted, "He stopped being our king the moment he laid a hand on one of his people."

Sophie looked at Martin and Beth thoughtfully, clearly beginning to realize that Arthur's people were innocent.

"Anyway, we were wondering if you can sneak me and my friends into the castle," Sophie then requested.

"That's easy," Beth replied, smirking arrogantly, "The king's too busy torturing soldiers to pay actual attention to who comes into the palace."

Martin nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we stole most of our food from the castle and no one ever notices."

Sophie's eyes widened before laughing quietly, "Serves him right," she muttered, causing me to smile at her.

Dammit! Sophie is making it almost impossible for me to fall out of love with her!

Every time I try to convince myself that we are just friends, that girl would somehow find a way to impress me even more.

"What are you looking at?" Sophie snapped, causing me to smile sheepishly and duck my head to cover my blush.

"Nothing," I practically squeaked as Sophie smirked in satisfaction, practically loving the control she had over me.

Beth practically squealed at our "adorableness", being the fangirl she was born to be.

"Chill woman," Sophie mumbled quietly, gulping another can of... well, I don't really know what it was. All I knew was that it was fizzy... not worrying at all...

"Anyway, when are the others coming here?" Martin asked.

After a few seconds of silence, Sophie then said, "They're on their way."

Beth looked at me confusedly as I replied with, "She has a twin brother. They can both talk telepathically so he'll know when and how to get here without getting killed."

"I know you're hoping I'll lead Jamie to his death or something," Sophie teased, sitting on one of the sofas.

I rolled my eyes before mumbling, "I don't. It's him who'd think that _ he hates me!"

"I hate you too but you don't see me wishing death upon you," Sophie replied, causing me to feel a stinging sensation in my heart.

I could've sworn I saw Sophie's apologetic expression however I simply decided to turn away from her and stare at the bare wall.

No matter how many times she claims she's forgiven me, I knew that wasn't true.

Every time I'd try and get closer to Sophie, she'd push me away and I'd be back to square one.

"Uh... Charlie, can we talk?" Beth asked, looking at the to of us confusedly before pulling me away.

We both stood in a corner of the room when neither of the others could hear us.

Beth folded her arms, looking at me almost accusingly, "What is going on? I thought you were in love with each other?"

I sighed, "Well, I still am... she might not feel the same way anymore though."

"But doesn't she know Arthur forced you into the mission in the first place?" Beth asked, causing me to quickly cover her mouth with my hand in panic.

There was no way I'd let Sophie find out about that. No way.

"Shut the hell up Beth!" I hissed, "She doesn't need to know about that. None of my friends do."

"What pathetic excuse did you use Charles?" Beth asked, folding her arms accusingly.

"I-I just used the parent excuse," I mumbled sheepishly, causing Beth to slap the back of my head violently.

For a fourteen-year-old, she sure was violent.

"You idiot! I'm telling Sophie right now exactly what happened," Beth said, walking over to Sophie, causing me to quickly grab her arm and yank her back before she could even get close to Sophie.

"Wait! Look, I'll tell her, ok? Just not now. When the time is-" I practically begged, causing Beth to roll her eyes.

"Shut the hell up! I know you. You will never tell them the truth! You'll tell your friends a lie that'll make you seem pathetic! I swear if you don't tell at least Sophie in the next two days, I will!" Beth then ranted before stomping away, practically fuming.

I sighed, looking at Sophie nervously. I knew I had to tell her the truth at some point but the question is, how the hell was I supposed to do so?

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