Chapter 13

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In front of my eyes, Grayson transformed into a beast.

Huge midnight black wings sprouted from his back, knocking the bandit's leader backwards.

This caused the man to scream loudly in pain as his body practically bounced off of a tree. I could've sworn I even heard the poor guy's bones snapping.

Grayson's teeth sharpened considerably and long razor-sharp claws grew from his fingertips.

Hmm... it was almost like a were- that doesn't matter right now! Bleeping hell I've got werewolves on the brain!

To finish the whole crazy demon look off, Grayson even grew a pair of matching horns before his eyes turned an unnatural red.

"Holy shi-" Jack whispered fearfully before Grayson suddenly let out a loud, ear-shattering screech.

Grayson practically pounced at the bandit on the floor at an unnatural speed, clawing blindly at the man.

I heard loud screams and yells from all around me whilst I staggered backwards, far away from the demon.

Grayson didn't stop tearing at the man. To be honest I don't think he would've stopped until the man's limbs were literally ripped apart!

Thankfully, Jack was able to stop the horrific scene in front of us by teleporting to Grayson, with a huge log in hand, and bashing the demon's head multiple times, causing him to fall unconscious.

As he collapsed on the ground, Grayson's body returned back to normal _ thank goodness as well.

One more second of seeing Grayson in his demon form and I would've probably fainted!

"Oh my goodness," I whispered fearfully, taking deep shaky breaths.

"How about we take a break here? Till both Sophie and Grayson wake up," Charles suggested. For the whole battle, he stayed by Sophie, shielding her from any harm.

It was... kinda cute... I mean, if you kinda forget about the demon, who was a few feet away only ten seconds ago, shredding a guy to pieces...

Anyway, I shakily stood up, taking deep breaths, before walking closer to Grayson.

The only sign of his previous actions were a few splotches of blood on his shirt and face and two slits at the back of his shirt where his wings were.

With the help of Jack, I dragged Grayson over to a tent, set up by Jamie, before leaving the tent, allowing the boys to change Grayson's shirt and put him in the sleeping bag.

I propped myself up against a tree, sighing loudly.

"What's up?" Jamie asked, sitting down next to me.

"Let's make sure Grayson doesn't shift _ like ever," I mumbled staring at the bloody, barely recognisable body of the man.

"What should we do with him?" Maxine asked, barely even fazed by the dead body a few feet away.

In fact, none of the others were even slightly affected in any way, as if they've encountered multiple bodies like that one in the past.

"U-uh..." I trailed off awkwardly, not really sure how to react to that question _ I mean, how does one deal with a dead body?

"Bury him and leave a note for the other men. Just, don't tell them about Grayson, ok. Say it was an animal or something," Jamie took over, causing me to smile gratefully at him.

Maxine nodded before doing as told, unnervingly calm the whole time.

"Th-thanks," I stammered quietly, with my hand shaking slightly.

I know I sounded like a weakling an all but I just witnessed a man being torn to pieces so you can't really blame me.

"You can rest for a bit, you know. You're all shaken up _ let me take care of everything," Jamie said before rummaging through one of the backpacks on the floor, taking out a sleeping bag.

"What about the horses?" I asked. During the fight, most of the horses were spooked (wouldn't blame them) and ran away.

"Jack and Ash are sorting that problem out. Can you sleep already? I need to help set up the camp," Jamie then demanded, rather rudely might I add, causing me to sigh and get into the sleeping bag.

"Ok but you better wake me up or I'll scoop out all of your organs using a stick!" I threatened, watching Jamie take out multiple supplies from different bags, assumably to assemble all the other tents.

He let out a loud, booming laugh which (as much as I hate to admit it) made my stomach do flips.

"Sleep tight!" Jamie called out, right before I closed my eyes.

I couldn't sleep.

All I could think about was Grayson's strength. The way he (no his demon) ripped that man to pieces so easily without breaking a sweat.

I knew that the moment Grayson learns to control that thing, he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

I peeled my eyes open a tiny bit, so it looked like I was still sleeping, and watched Jamie set up the camp like the creepy stalker I was.

"I know you're not sleeping," Jamie mumbled, causing me to yelp loudly _ how could he tell?

"How-" I began, looking up at him in shock.

"You were staring at me," Jamie interrupted, smirking once he saw my face flush in embarrassment.

"N-no I wasn't!" I denied, hiding my very flushed face in my sleeping bag.

"Don't worry your little head. I mean, who could take their eyes off the most attractive guy alive?" Jamie asked cockily.

"And apparently the most arrogant as well," I bit back, emitting a frown from Jamie.

"I'm not arrogant!" Jamie whined childishly, causing me to roll my eyes, "And you didn't deny the fact that I'm hot!"

"I may be clueless when it comes to relationships but I have eyes. I can see whether a guy's attractive or not," I replied, smirking at Jamie's now flustered demeanour.

"Can you two stop flirting and get to work?" Ash asked playfully as Jamie glared at him.

He then got up, muttering a string of curse words, before helping set up our campsite.

I wiggled my way out of the sleeping bag before standing up, awkwardly attempting to brush my hair with my fingers before tying it up once more.

I then went to help the other guys sort everything out.

When I say everything, I mean the unconscious bandits lying on the floor.

Me, Ash, Jack and Jamie carried the men and teleported to a village somewhere nearby and dumped the bandits, leaving a note for the villagers when they find them.

"Bye bleepers!" I sang playfully before Jack and Ash teleported us back to the campsite.

"So, how does it feel to sat up camp a few metres away from our last one?" Jamie asked, causing my eyes to widen _ we've barely made any progress at all!

"We're gonna move at night," I muttered.

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