Chapter 36

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"Let's take him to the palace infirmary," Charles suggested quietly, "It has some of the best healers there _ surely there must be a way to bring him back."

"It's too late," Ash said tearfully, squeezing me comfortingly, "There's no way Jamie's still alive with this much blood lost."

I let out another pained sob at the realisation that there was no hope. That Jamie, the one person who I had cared about for so long was gone.

I was never gonna be able to train with that idiot again. I was never gonna be able to flirt fight with Jamie again. I was never going to see the man I grew to care about ever again.

"Guys!" Maxine suddenly called out, "His pulse... he has a pulse. Oh my God! Jamie's still alive!"

My eyes widened in disbelief as hope filled me _ Jamie was still somehow alive.

"Just about though," Jack mumbled grimly, his lips in a thin line.

"Well, what are we waiting for!" I snapped before violently grabbing Ash's hand, "We need to go there NOW!"

My eyes were completely bloodshot as I glared venomously at Ash. Even though he did nothing wrong, I couldn't help but lash out at him.

I mean, Jamie was literally mere minutes away from dying _ could you blame me for freaking out?

Everyone grabbed onto each other as Ash and Jack worked together to get us out of there.

When we reached the infirmary, the healers immediately put Jamie on a hospital bed, before taking out numerous machines, without asking us any questions.

"Is he ok?" I demanded, causing one of the healers to turn to the group.

"You need to get checked up," she mumbled before glancing over at Jamie, who was getting paler and paler by the second, "Just wait outside while we try to stabilise the prince, ok?"

Everyone else reluctantly walked out, however, I stood in my place.

"Please," I begged tearfully, "I need to know that he's ok."

The nurse sighed tiredly before nodding, "Just don't distract us. The healing process is a very dangerous thing to meddle with. It could cost the young prince's life."

My eyes widened before I started nodding repeatedly _ at least I was able to be with him.

Once they connected multiple tubes to him, the large group of healers formed a semicircle around Jamie, holding hands whilst the two people at each end held Jamie's hands.

I watched in awe as each healer started glowing until Jamie himself ended up with the same glowing aura surrounding him.

Within seconds, his heartbeat returned back to normal, causing me to slump against the wall in relief.

"Your majesty," the same healer who allowed me to stay said, "We need to get you checked up _ you seem to be in an awful condition."

"No!" I suddenly yelled before she could come any closer, "I need to stay with him. Let me stay with him!"

As much as it sounded petty, I needed to stay with Jamie. I knew that the moment I left the room, something bad could happen to Jamie and I wouldn't be there.

There was no way I was going to let Jamie out of my sight again.

"Fine," the healer replied, causing me to perk up, "As long as you let us check what's wrong with you. We also need to know what happened."

"Are you gonna tell my mum?" I asked, nervously. There was nothing worse than for your mum to find out about you having such a crazy adventure from a healer and not yourself.

"No, I will only say that you are safe with us. I was just... curious," the healer then mumbled sheepishly, blushing.

I smiled weakly before nodding in understanding, "Thank you for helping us."

"We're just doing our job," the healer smiled warmly at me, causing me to relax slightly.

The other healers brought around another hospital bed to put on the other side of Jamie's.

I then sat down on the bed before the healer started to do multiple tests on me, giving me weird potions and medicines to make me feel better, whilst patching up the injuries on my body that they couldn't fully heal.

Once the healer was almost 100% positive I was fine, she finally let me rest on the bed, with a large, uncomfortable cast wrapped around my right leg.

Before leaving, she said, "You seem to be handling our magic alright. Your body is accepting it. However you cannot put any strain at all on your leg, you seemed to have broken it. All you need to do is relax in bed and try to relax as much as you could."

I nodded, smiling at the healer gratefully before turning my attention back to Jamie's frail body, lying motionless on the bed.

To be honest, I've never been so scared in my whole life. It was that very moment, that fear I felt when I thought Jamie died, is when I realised that I loved Jamie.

I loved that bleeping Jammie Dodger.

Great timing heart! I mean, the one time when Jamie could potentially die is the time when I finally realise how much that bleeper meant to me.

Finally, after what felt like hours of cursing my emotions and staring at Jamie like a creep, I finally slept, relaxing at the sound of the steady beeping of the heart rate monitor.

Jamie was safe.

He was alive.

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